Sickness, disease and Health


If you are seeking medical advice, a medical diagnosis, medical treatments and/or medicines, you would need to consult with a medical practitioner licensed by the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex. I am NOT a medical practitioner. I do NOT practice medicine of any kind. As a result, you could NOT possibly find any medical advice, medical diagnoses, medical treatments and/or medicines in this article or on this website.

Health and healing are NOT the provision of medical practitioners, those who practice medicine. Health and healing are NOT the provision of government representatives or corporate interests.

Health and healing are the provision of the One Who created us, MarYah Yeshua Meshika, our LORD Jesus Christ!

The LORD ... delights in those who practice faith.

~ Proverbs 12:22

Much of what we commonly refer to as sickness and disease in our time may actually be rather unique to our time. Those who lived long before us certainly dealt with sickness and disease. However, it does not appear they suffered the ravages of chronic dehydration and its accompanying respiratory distresses to the degree we do, nor do I think they were subjected to the same widespread chemical and radiation poisonings that amount to continual toxic loads upon our bodies. These toxic loads manifest in varying degrees of detoxification symptoms ranging from (what we call) rashes and fevers to the common cold to influenza to pneumonia and worse. As our bodies work diligently to rid us of these toxins, the various presentations of various symptoms of various peoples have been carefully labelled and categorized by a massive monopoly/cartel and sold back to us as named diseases. The consequences of bad behavior including, but not limited to, poor dietary habits, poor lifestyle choices, the poisoning of the land, food, water and air, along with the deliberate intake of poisons directly into our bodies in the form of pills, liquids, or injectables is downplayed to the point of being ignored in favor of playing the victim and promoting the false notion of contagious disease.

Those who lived long before us do not appear to have been as utterly bereft as we have proven to be of the most basic understandings of God's Creation. This is especially true as it pertains to how our bodies work and the consequences that accompany our behavior. Malnourishment that results from the intake of artificial replacement foods, along with low-fat and low-cholesterol diets due to false teachings regarding fats and cholesterol, and dehydration due to more false teachings regarding the intake of salt, are a sample of those behaviors that have contributed to the systematic ruining of our health.

As a child growing up in the USA I had been conditioned to believe in a rather recent religion among mankind, that sickness and disease was predominantly caused by invisible, external germs and that anyone afflicted with such a germ-caused sickness was probably contagious (contagion is the old-fashioned word for transmissibility). This meant that if I was sick, I could make other people sick and if they were sick, they could make me sick. As a result of an encounter with The Living God I learned I was grossly misinformed. He told me that sickness does NOT work this way - not like I had come to believe.


There are curious patterns to our behavior that make us extremely predictable. One such behavior is the unwillingness to release the stranglehold grip on a given belief without having a replacement belief waiting in the wings that we can transfer the stranglehold to. For example, you won't let go of an explanation for the cause of an event without having a plausible explanation to take its place. Do you even remember the last time you exercised the ability to know something is wrong even though you can't (yet) explain it in detail, let alone prove your case in a court of law? Over time, that sensitivity has been drummed out of us all. Have you noticed men's senses have been systematically dulled with scripted narratives, such that they become perfectly incapable of acknowledging that which is right in front of them (or not in front of them at all), in favor of parroting the pre-digested explanations? Have you found yourself clinging desperately to such prescribed contrivances, even to the point of being willing to fight with others as you feel compelled to defend those explanations!

The Master taught me in my youth to be willing to stand on one foot without possessing any further information regarding where to place the other foot. It is a rather ridiculous-looking posture, and a great test to see just how proud and arrogant one really is. He taught me how to become comfortable making the honest admission, “I don't know,” instead of feeling the need to have and to share an opinion on absolutely everything, regardless of whether I knew it to be true, or not.

As a result of that training, when He told me that sickness doesn't work this way, the way I had come to believe it worked, I simply let go immediately, even though I didn't have any alternative beliefs to switch to. I was privileged to suffer through a period of time where making a statement such as, “Flu symptoms are not the result of a virus, because sickness doesn't work this way” would invoke a vitriolic response from whomever was listening such as, “O yeah? Then how do you explain {fill in the blank} ... " And there I stood, balanced on one foot, as I had no replacement explanation. What I knew was how sickness did NOT work, because God said so!

I understand that for many of you, it may not be easy to let go of the years of indoctrination, especially when it puts you at odds with the consensus of the godless multitudes and their worship of what they call “The Science.” In my case, I was not left in my one-legged crane stance for long, as God inspired me to begin to learn something about how sickness and disease really works. For most, learning often also involves the painful and lengthy process of un-learning. I have presented some of my journey, below, in the hopes that it might be of some assistance to you.

STAGGERING DISCOVERY: The most vilified of all of the germs, that which we have been indoctrinated to believe for decades is responsible for most all sickness and disease, the so-called biological virus, does not exist! Outside of a computer no virus has ever been demonstrated to exist! Never! As in, NOT ever!

RAMIFICATIONS: The religious beliefs and practices called virology, indeed, all of epidemiology, have all been built on an unproven theory, perhaps the most well-funded theory of all time. This theory had been proposed by those desperate to provide a cause for certain illnesses when their explanation du jour failed them. People soon stopped calling microbe theory “a theory,” and just believed viruses were real. Eventually, conveniently, viruses came to be blamed for most illnesses. Today, the sheep have all been told by the Council of Wolves that 4-legged carnivores are their BFFs and trusted deliverers, and the real enemy is the invisible virus. Out of fear of the invisible virus the sheep run voluntarily into the pens of their captors.

WHAT DOES IT MATTER? Knowing that viruses are non-existent and that sicknesses stem from other sources may free you from the hamster wheel long enough to begin to discover that which is necessary to reclaim your own health. I am fully cognizant of the fact that the poisonings continue, regardless of the growing awareness of the falsehood of virology. I acknowledge that these poisonings have been authorized throughout the Earth. However, coming to know that viruses are non-existent and that sicknesses stem from other sources may be just what you need to take that first step away from the gaping jaws of the wolf. This may be the TRUTH you need to know in order to choose whether to voluntarily participate or not. It may be just as critical to realize the fraud that passes as PCR “tests,” but I am getting way ahead of the story.

Virology under a microscope

Don't be confused about this teaching: Virology is a recent addition, a new doctrine in the Earth. The establishment's own medical textbooks published prior to WWII state that they believed parasites to be the leading cause of transmissible disease. Parasites, not (non-existent) viruses! When Frederick T. Gates, Baptist clergyman and advisor to John D. Rockefeller, urged his wealthy and powerful benefactor to step in and overhaul/re-organize Medicine back in 1905, the driving concern behind the apparent ubiquitous outbreaks of illness, the disease du jour, was none other than hookworm, a known parasite. It is not a stretch to state that modern medicine was built on the understanding that parasites are the leading cause of transmissible disease. Oh, how far they have fallen!

I learned that most of the so-called germs (bacteria, yeasts and fungi) said to be the cause of sickness and disease were not causing sickness or disease at all, but were primarily supplied by our own bodies as cleanup crews to manage and dispose of dead cellular debris. They weren't necessarily even separate “organisms” but rather our own body's ability to produce the needed solution on demand via a process called pleomorphism. These “germs” certainly weren't causing sickness any more than maggots were causing garbage. I learned there were opportunistic parasites that would be attracted to an already compromised, weakened, sickened body, just as flies are attracted to garbage, or certain insects are attracted to sickly garden plants. If an already sickened individual was to be overwhelmed with parasites, that could certainly complicate matters.

But most importantly, the greatest deception of all was the lie behind so-called disease transmission, or contagion, and the resultant behavior of the entirety of mankind toward one another. Perhaps you never experienced the privilege of having a loving mother fearlessly cater to your own sick self as a child, without falling ill herself. Perhaps you are entirely unaware of the legacy of the “country doctor” who would ride his horse out to a remote location to visit a sick family member in a one-room cabin, all without HASMAT equipment. Using the analogy of the maggots and garbage, there are those who would have us believe that left unchecked, those maggots would soon cause entire neighborhoods to be overwhelmed with trash. I learned that if I have become ill, I do NOT make you sick with my sickness by breathing or spitting my (non-existent) viruses on you or rubbing my (non-existent) viruses off onto you and you do NOT make me sick with your sickness by breathing or spitting your (non-existent) viruses on me or rubbing your (non-existent) viruses off onto me.

Contagious Fear

I learned that sickness is often consequential, but it is not contagious, not in the way they want you to believe.

If you and I are irradiated, dusted, doused, sprayed, fed, or otherwise subjected to the same toxic poisons at the same time in the same place, it is highly likely we both will be harmed, though perhaps to varying degrees. If you and I have insufficient nourishment and/or water, it is highly likely we both will be harmed, though perhaps to varying degrees. If you and I were to stumble onto the same large ant hill at the same time in the same place, it is highly likely we both will suffer harm, though perhaps to varying degrees.

Any subsequent sickening will not be the result of self-propagating, self-reproducing, mutating, and infectious (non-existent) viruses that are being transmitted from person to person via snot and spit. On a battlefield, a soldier points a rifle and pulls a trigger, spraying a volley of bullets at enemy soldiers. There is bleeding and there is dying. But no one is foolish enough to believe that there is suddenly a contagion of self-propagating, self-reproducing, mutating, and infectious bullets that have begun to spread from soldier to soldier.

If you simply replace the word contagion with the word consequence, you may move a little closer to gaining some understanding of what is really going on.

Here is what I learned:

  • Whether I voluntarily participate in this worldwide deception or not will depend on what I believe about sickness, disease and health.
  • And what I believe about sickness, disease and health will ultimately be determined by whether I believe God, or not.

I pray for you to do well in every way, and be in health, as your soul is doing well.

~ 3John 1:2

Are you familiar with the Hippocratic Oath? Read it, here:

I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation—to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this Art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to none others. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my Art. I will not cut persons laboring under the stone, but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this work. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption; and, further from the seduction of females or males, of freemen and slaves. Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not, in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this Oath unviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the Art, respected by all men, in all times! But should I trespass and violate this Oath, may the reverse be my lot!

As a child I learned to believe in Germs

I knew all about bugs. I played with bugs and I learned that most bugs didn't like being played with. Some bugs could defend themselves pretty magnificently, and I didn't play with those bugs anymore. Grown-ups talked a lot about germs and sometimes they used the word bugs when they were referring to germs. They said that germs were like microscopic bugs responsible for making people sick. This was kind of confusing, as my mom used wheat germ for baking, and our garden seeds required germinating in order to grow into good food. But, evidently, germs were bad and I was a kid, so what did I know? I knew that real bugs weren't germs; they were just bugs. You could eat lots of them and not get sick. While certain encounters with some bugs like spiders, bees, fleas or ticks might leave some people feeling pretty sick, most of the bugs I knew didn't make anybody sick, not the kind of sick the grown-ups were talking about. But it was really clever of the adults to use the word bugs when training the next generation about the invisible and harmful germs, especially because of the visual association of creepy, crawly things that most kids were afraid of. So I believed their words about the bug germs because they were experts and I was just a child. Their words eventually overcame my own experience. I learned to believe that the invisible germs could be lurking behind every bush and hiding under every rock awaiting their opportune moment, when my defenses were down, to attack me, make me sick and even kill me. Some germs could get on me and hurt me. Other germs might get inside me through paper cuts, splinters or worse injuries. They could definitely get inside me through my mouth, nose or eyes. Even worse: all of us kids could be giving one another germs without even knowing it! The experts said that even though there were more germs than any of us could count, only some of them caused serious sickness. But none of us were experts, so we couldn't tell the difference. We didn't want to take any chances so we needed to distrust all germs. Except wheat germ. I now had one more thing in my life that I could be afraid of because germs were definitely out to get me!

As a child I learned to believe in Hygiene

I was told that germs were dirty, and to protect myself from the dirty germs I needed to wash my hands with soap. This was the same soap, mind you, that I had to wash out my mouth with after I said a dirty word, once. I saw part of a dirty movie once, too, but I didn't need to wash out my eyes - I don't think they got enough dirt in them to warrant soap. Or maybe the dirt on my hands was different. What did I know? I was just a kid! I learned that the hand-washing ritual, called hygiene, was intended to strip the dirty germs away from me and deposit them down the drain. The drain would run to the sewer. The sewer would run to the water treatment facility where experts would surely clean the water, ridding it of the dirty germs before sending it back to our houses to drink and bathe in. But some of us had well water so it didn't get treated. And a lot of washing ended up in the streams, rivers, ponds and lakes we all swam and fished in. Which is probably why everybody was going to die someday (When you are a kid, you think these things). But the most important thing to learn about washing my hands was that wherever the germs went after I scrubbed them off of me was no longer my concern. The experts said that I needed to take this practice seriously because hygiene, singlehandedly, had likely saved formerly dirty mankind from annihilation just a couple of hundred years ago. People who lived prior to the hygiene awakening were utterly unhygienic and, unless they were just plain lucky, they all died as children. To be considerate of other kids and let them live long, prosperous lives, I was taught to cover my mouth when I coughed or sneezed, and then wash my hands prior to touching anything. But if other people were the ones who were covered in dirty germs, I needed to save myself by staying away from them lest I, too, be exposed to more dirty germs. I was warned that to stay safe I must never drink from another person's cup, never eat off of another person's plate, never touch a sick person and, should I ever err, scrub, scrub, scrub away the dirty germs with soap!

As a child I learned to believe in Infection

I learned that if even one of those insensitive, uncaring and malicious micro-organisms, invisible to the naked eye, ever successfully bypassed my hygienic behavior and laid hold of me it would start reproducing and multiplying inside of me and soon I would be dealing with more of them - a lot more of them. This was called an infection and it could be due to my being dirty from not being hygienic and using enough soap, as well as being exposed to dirty, germ-ridden people. The experts said that infections could spread throughout my whole body and kill me or cause me to lose my eyesight, or an appendage or two. This was all due to those dirty germs, which were hiding out in the dirt and the animals and my friends and family and the world all around me, patiently waiting for the right opportunity to attack and infect me. If I wanted to avoid being locked up in a special facility called a hospital to be washed inside and out with expensive but dangerous cleaning solutions, toxic chemicals manufactured for my safety, I was instructed to stay free from dirt and dirty things. They instructed me to stay away from dirty, unhygienic people, too, because they could be infected and I might get infected from them. And once I got an infection, I would need something a lot stronger than soap to fix it.

As a child I learned to believe in Contagion

According to the experts, the more insidious aspect of dirty germs was not so much their ability to infect one or two people like you or I; rather it was their ability to spread throughout important families, communities, countries and the whole Earth. These miniature, invisible entities that I had now learned to be fearful of accomplished this through a technology called transmission. Evidently, when the germs were young, they were taught how to expertly position themselves to be rubbed off sick people and onto handrails, walls and floors, even onto monkeys and bats, where they would patiently wait for the next passerby. And they developed stowaway-like skills where they could float in the air on breath, spit, snot and sweat, covertly traveling from an infected sick person to an unsuspecting healthy person, and then start up the whole infection process all over again. Invisibly. And cleverly. And deadly. I could be a transmitter of invisible, clever, deadly germs and not even know it! I finally understood why the adults all wanted us kids to cover our mouths when we sneezed! We were playing right into the hands of those brilliant little germs, spewing them forth upon innocent people like projectiles of sickness. This horrific strategy of biological warfare against humanity was called a contagion.

According to the experts, a contagion was no laughing matter; indeed, it was so serious it needed four (4) words to describe its levels of intensity.

UPDATE: Make that five (5) words, now that we can also count completely redefining a word:

  1. Outbreak - Invisible germs suddenly start making a bunch of people sick in the same location.
  2. Endemic - An Outbreak doesn't go away; it continues to spread, sickening and killing more people.
  3. Epidemic - The Endemic, or spread of the Outbreak, is so concerning in a given location, a new name is needed for it that contains an additional syllable.
  4. Pandemic (pre-2021) - The Outbreak is now spreading throughout world, leaving piles of dead bodies in its wake.
  5. Pandemic (2021 forward) - Whatever the experts say is spreading is spreading; symptoms of being sick are no longer required, let alone mass casualties. What matters from now on is something called Case Counts.

I would suggest that the new and improved definition of pandemic is now the most significant population control mechanism we have ever witnessed, perhaps to be eclipsed only by the mark of the beast. After very careful planning, there is a deliberate and stealthy sickening of a few people here and a few people there using poisons and/or radiation. This is accompanied by a completely funded, expertly scripted and well organized marketing campaign that claims a new, deadly and invisible germ has suddenly evolved to make war against mankind. Fear of pain, fear of death and worse: fear being ostracized, will drive all but a wary few into the waiting arms of the captors, posing as deliverers. Fear of loss will keep all but a few of the staff from whistle-blowing and defecting. After that initial poisoning, sickness isn't even required, as the fear of becoming sick along with magic tests to declare one to be sick, are now the fuel to the fire. Building upon the foundation of years of indoctrination of false teaching regarding sickness, ubiquitous brainwashing under the guise of education, and supported by relentless propaganda disguised as “news,” the story plays out precisely as planned. It is wickedly ingenious!

Note that once upon a time these words could only be used after-the-fact, after an event, after deaths had occurred. Now, of course, these words are used in real time, even ahead of any event or occurrence. They are clearly used logistically, and strategically, in the planning of the event(s).

Back to my story ...

According to the latest broadcasts, unseen dirty germs were now traveling the world for free, infecting dirty, unhygienic people, then multiplying and distributing their sickness and death via contagions ... even to very hygienic people!

I had noticed that, in a rather uncanny coincidence, the ability of these so-called germs to multiply and spread throughout the Earth appeared to develop and mature right around the time everybody was coming to believe in them ...

I stopped, briefly, to think about all the poor, ignorant and uneducated masses who lived before me, those who for thousands of years didn't have the benefit of my newfound belief in these evil germs and their abilities. The experts had already convinced me that all those people were unhygienic. And I knew that all unhygienic people were prime targets for dirty germ attacks. I wondered why everyone everywhere didn't get sick and die during one of those attacks? All those people over all those years never had access to any of the recently discovered germ warfare knowledge that I was being taught.

Right up there with my science-inspired question, “If a dinosaur-killing meteor hit the earth and killed all the dinosaurs, why didn't it kill every other living thing?” was my question, “During any one of these historical germ pandemics, what made the germs suddenly stop killing, once they got started?“

Were the survivors just lucky that the germs didn't wipe them out? If there really were special meteors that only targeted dinosaurs, perhaps special germs of old only targeted a few people for killing, then stopped? Or maybe those early, more primitive germs hadn't sufficiently developed their transmission skills? Or maybe they were just lazy and would quit after they grew weary? Back then, people probably lived too far away from one another for the germs to get a worldwide tour, so once the germs killed all the people in a given locale they went and hid in monkeys, bats and snakes and waited for a new group of unsuspecting people to move in to the area. The story used to be told that some people somehow fought back and whooped the bad germs all on their own, something the old, uninformed experts called natural immunity. But, according to the new settled science, I learned that such a feat would not have been possible, because there were no testing and injection protocols, or mask-wearing and social distancing mandates, and the governments of the world did not cooperate enough with one another back then, and communication between people who lived far, far away from one another took way too long. Maybe germs took so long to travel around that they died from old age before they could infect everyone? And what about all those people who never got sick? We may never know what really happened back then, but it doesn't matter. I was learning that it was important to not ask these kinds of questions. After all, the experts had already told me what to believe - the science was settled!

As a child I learned to believe in Symptoms

Everybody knew, and nobody argued that, once in a while, people got sick. The three (3) degrees of old-fashioned sickness were:

  1. A little sick - like having a runny nose, cough, or headache (what they might call symptoms of the common Cold), where you didn't feel very well but that feeling would pass soon enough. I don't remember it being all that common, but I was just a kid.
  2. Pretty sick - like what they might call a bad Cold or a Flu, where you would stay home from school or work with a fever, and it could take a few days until you felt better. Being pretty sick was pretty rare, but when it happened it certainly got your attention.
  3. Really sick - where you may have started out a little sick, but got pretty sick pretty fast, then got really sick to the point where you or someone who cared about you thought you might die. When this happened to me, they said I had Pneumonia. I was the only kid in my whole school who had it. Like, ever! But don't let that detail get in the way.

As with all simple things that work just fine, this understanding of being sick, pretty sick, and really sick needed improvement. The experts had been busy cataloging the details of how we all felt or how we looked when we were ill. These details were called symptoms and included terms like sore throat, swollen glands, persistent cough, headache, fever, rash, diarrhea and more. Whenever I or any of my friends got sick, a little sick or even pretty sick, we all recognized the kind of sickness we had based on how sick we felt or what we looked like in the mirror. Or to our moms. Sometimes someone got really sick, but that didn't happen very often. The experts were saying that my approach to sickness was much too simplistic, so I had to learn how important it was to let the experts describe how I was feeling using these very specific terms.

Regardless of my knowledge of symptoms, if I got sick I usually got better ... eventually. Some people who got sick didn't get better; they got worse and they died. But the experts said that not as many people were dying today as had died thousands of years ago, back when people were poor, ignorant and uneducated, and unhygienic. Those poor people didn't have the benefit of believing in germs, hygiene, infections and contagions like I was learning to, and they were nowhere near as articulate as I was at describing symptoms. Mankind must have faced near-extinction multiple times over the millennia, and wasn't even aware of it!

As a child I learned to believe in disease

By now the experts had assigned names to all the germs and their offspring, and they said that when germs made people sick those people had a disease. As a child I had wrongly assumed that only the worst kind of illness was called a disease, one of those really bad sicknesses that probably resulted in death. That may have been selfish on my part, thinking that only a few people could have a disease. Why not include everybody? The experts were way ahead of me, explaining how every kind of discomfort, real or imagined, could be called a disease. If it had recognizable symptoms, then it was classified as a disease. This was because diseases produced symptoms, and having symptoms meant you had a disease. And if the symptoms you were having weren't currently recognizable as an already named disease, someone could get credit for naming a new disease, because that is what mattered.

UPDATE: In 2021 the experts worked very diligently to convince mankind that the science was again re-settling, and you you could trust it now more than ever! Now anyone and everyone could have a contagious, communicable, transmissible disease without any symptoms whatsoever. As part of the effort to redefine words, such as the word pandemic, where mass deaths were no longer required, disease now would no longer require symptoms.

All this newfound knowledge belonged to the realm of modern science. The modern experts who believed in modern science in my time were very educated and professional. They spoke eloquently and authoritatively of germs, hygiene, infections, contagions, symptomatic diseases as well as asymptomatic disease. Unfortunately all the poor, ignorant and uneducated masses who lived before me had old-fashioned science experts who were uneducated and unprofessional, because they thought that poisonings (toxicity), starvation (malnutrition) and wrong behavior were largely responsible for sickness. And if you didn't have any symptoms then you weren't sick.

Even if you wish to dismiss the role of behavior in health, did you know that for nearly 2000 years de facto science stated that sickness was the result of either poisoning or starvation? Those silly, misguided people! 🙃

Even though the experts had told us that toxic poisons were now everywhere, in our clothing and bedding, in our homes and workplace, in our food and drink, in the air and the water, even in us, and even though none of the food we ate contained anywhere near the nutritional density of the food our ancestors ate (not to mention the horrific dietary and lifestyle habits we all had adopted - oops! there's that behavioral component, again), it was safe to abandon any primitive, foolish belief that toxicity and malnutrition were responsible for what everyone was calling sickness and disease because we now had agencies that could regulate the wide-spread use of poisons and develop safe-handling policies, and all our food was labeled by trustworthy experts. What a relief! I could stop thinking of health as being the natural state of living in a poison-free environment where food and water and air were provided by God for sustenance. I could get on with developing my newfound belief in and fear of the real, invisible enemy: those deadly germs!

As a child I learned to believe in Medicine

The experts were now busy mapping all of mankind's symptoms to the diseases they wanted them to belong to, except for the newest diseases that didn't require any symptoms. Meanwhile, the invisible germs - the enemies of mankind - were getting smarter, now that we were all believing in them and naming them and the diseases they were said to be responsible for. I was learning that the old germs had been cleverly self-evolving into new, more powerful germs that could infect everyone. Infectious, symptomless disease was now a leading cause of death!

Chemists, those clever modern day sorcerers who had brought us near-miraculous potions for the masking of symptoms and non-symptoms alike, were re-tasked with developing all manner of chemical weaponry in powder, pill and liquid form that could be used to poison the deadly germs. Whether these toxic concoctions, called medicines, actually helped anybody get better or not, it was clear that we were all finally heading in the right direction, because there was a lot of money to be made by filling the void of the sufficient intake of medicines in peoples lives. For example, I learned that what was missing in my life was anti-microbial disinfectant, and it was now available to be purchased over-the-counter. Everyone was clamoring to put more chemicals on their bodies to keep them safe. And you could eat and drink some of the germ-killing chemicals, too! But you had to be careful; if you took too much of the medicine used to poison the deadly germs, or ate or drank the medicines in the wrong combinations or at the wrong times you could get sick or die. Since more people were getting sick and dying than ever before, we all now understood that even more medicines were needed.

An entire industry developed around the manufacture and sale of those medicines. It was called the pharmaceutical industry and it's executives and employees worked tirelessly learning how to best market the new medicines as miracle drugs to combat our invisible enemies and make all their lives better. Drug companies employed hundreds of thousands of people, and generated hundreds of billions of dollars, over and over again. These were exciting times to be sick!

As a child I learned to believe in Immunity

The experts said that we all had something inside our bodies called an immune system. According to the new theory of immunity, if any of us could survive catching an infectious disease then we would never get it again ... unless, of course, we did. But that would be very rare, especially with all the new names for all the variations of all the old diseases they were constantly coming up with. Sadly, all those poor, ignorant and uneducated masses who lived thousands of years ago didn't know about the whole immunity thing, either.

The broadcasters were announcing that we were now officially at war. I learned that our bodies were actually battlefields being assaulted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no holiday breaks (I had no idea it was so bad)! There was some good news: all those infectious disease-causing enemy combatants had to go through my immune system before they could get to me. I heard that my immune system operated as my first line of defense, bring to mind cartoon images of a crocodile-filled moat surrounding the castle of my body. If my immune system was sufficiently effective I might survive a particular skirmish or battle, and then I could be immune, where no germ could get me.

I learned that my immune system had an incredible memory, one that could remember how it won the last conflict with deadly germs so, should I ever again encounter that exact same invading germ that I just crushed, I would already know how to overcome it. Unless something went wrong, like my immune system forgot, or I wasn't being attacked by exactly and precisely the very same invisible enemy I had encountered before. I discovered that germs were smart like international spies, and they could change clothing, color their hair and put on dark glasses to look completely different, so they might deceive my personal immune system and its incredible memory as they breached my castle. These stealthy, ninja-like germs were called variants, and they were the worst of all.

Seeing as how the experts viewed us all as cattle, anyway, they said we could have something even better than personal immunity; we could have something they called herd immunity. It would be a group effort: If a lot of sick people that were individually battling one of those contagions full of clever, mutated, disguise-wearing variant-type germs were to stop being selfish and start sharing their wins with all the others, then everybody's immune system could get stocked up with special resistance against the particular germ that was causing the contagion, even if they weren't one of the original participating sick people. Or something like that. Make sense? If not, that's okay because the experts said we, the herd, were all in this together, and that sounded great! The germs were all still out there, devising new ways to alter their appearance and improve their fighting skills but, for now at least, we might be getting the upper hand in the war.

As a child I learned to believe in Vaccination

Some people were ludicrously suggesting that it might be possible to minimize or avoid sickness altogether without the assistance of that entire industry that had been developed around the manufacture, marketing and sale of all those much-needed medicines. A small group of dangerous people were proposing that proper food, drink, exercise, sleep and silly behavior-like stuff could strengthen our immune systems, too. To make matters worse, even if those old-fashioned notions didn't strengthen our immune systems, even if we didn't believe in immune systems, even if there was no such thing as an immune system, reports were pouring in that people were walking away from much-needed medicines. They were listening to the dangerous people, buying their books and paying real money that could have gone toward more medicines. Funds were being diverted for so-called natural treatments and special diets and such nonsense. We all knew that mankind's survival depended entirely on taking more medicine, and these people were behaving as though there was actually some viable alternative!

As we learned about new diseases that we could have, and new strains of variants, much deadlier than ever before, germs that we didn't know we could believe in and live in stark terror of until now, the experts redoubled their marketing efforts, teaching us how glamorous it was to take more medicine. We were told that with the latest medicines we could live even happier lives, filled with laughter and running hand-in-hand through wheat fields with butterflies and puppy dogs and fashionable, trendy clothing and upper-class incomes. It could all be ours if we would be more proactive and ask our doctors about the availability of the most recent chemical releases. And we learned that when the experts finished telling us about the improvements the new medicines would make in our lives, and they started talking super, super-fast right at the end of their presentation about something called side effects, that was just them being courteous, not wanting to bore us with the technical details, knowing we wanted to get back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Meanwhile the experts were prophesying that the next contagion was right around the corner, and it would really get our attention. They informed us of how much worse this next contagion would be than any contagion we had ever encountered before. We could no longer take the risk of following yesterday's settled science and expert advice, that of getting sick, recovering and becoming naturally immune, because now there was a chance we might never recover. And worse, we would unwittingly spread the new contagion without ever even getting sick. Some of the smartest and most caring people in the whole world set out to protect everyone from the guaranteed devastation and destruction that was coming. They told us that by injecting us with a little bit of disease along with a whole lot of poison (well-regulated poison, of course, and never called poison, but called adjuvants designed to provoke an immune response) through a process called vaccination our immune systems would be forced to become stronger and more safe and effective and we could win the war against germs ... well, at least we might have a fighting chance. When some confused, simple-minded people resisted the notion of knowingly injecting toxic, poisonous substances into their bodies, substances that were deliberately designed to produce a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, especially when they weren't even sick, the really smart people inspired us to publicly shame those foolish, selfish haters of humanity! How dare they question the experts! How dare they risk everyone else's life, even though all of us were told that being injected wouldn't stop anyone from getting sick! Everybody needed to comply with the advice, mandates and decrees because we were all in this together.

When distraught parents came forward to decry the injecting of yet more toxic chemicals into their children, they were shouted down, shamed and silenced. And their children were taken away from them and given to public health representatives who would responsibly get those children injected. And the public propaganda was adjusted to mitigate further outbursts. When some parents dared to claim that prior injections had actually harmed or killed their children, if they had enough evidence, they were quietly paid off or threatened into silence. Those who posed little threat were simply ignored, as the propaganda machine had proven its effectiveness, and nobody believed kooky conspiracy theorists anymore.

Back in olden days and ancient times, prior to the year 2020, vaccines were not given to sick people. Except for so-called Rabies. Oh yeah, and Tetanus. But all the other vaccines were reserved for otherwise healthy people in the hopes of preventing them from becoming sick and from transmitting their otherwise contagious sickness to others. Whether those hopes were ever realized, whether anyone was ever successfully prevented from getting sick or not is totally beside the point. When powerful drugs were given to people who were already sick in an attempt to counteract whatever was causing their sickness, these drugs used to be referred to as antidotes, not vaccines. But in the year 2021 experts corrected all the false beliefs and definitions held by the previous experts. They told us:

  • Vaccines no longer provide immunity; they no longer keep you from getting sick.
  • Vaccines no longer stop transmission; they no longer keep you from sickening others.
  • Vaccines aren't just for healthy people; they are now available for sick people, too.
  • Vaccines are safe and effective! Questioning (let alone refuting) that statement proves you are a selfish hater of humanity!
  • Everybody needs more vaccines!

As a child I learned to believe in Healthcare

According to the broadcasters of the things people were being told to believe, things were even worse than imagined: Germs were now spreading everywhere and everyone was at risk. Everybody had the symptoms of one disease or another, or could have, soon enough. Unless, of course, there were no symptoms associated with the disease you were told that you had. Symptoms only mattered if and when the experts said they did. People continued to get sick and were still dying, even more than before, but that just meant there was an even greater sales opportunity. With all the constant broadcasting of sickness information, more and more people were thinking they could figure things out for themselves. This was dangerous, because these people weren't licensed to prescribe profitable treatments and medications. Mankind was in an existential crisis and people were being irresponsible. They weren't taking enough prescribed medicines, getting all their recommended vaccinations, and submitting to a sufficient amount of prescribed treatments. The experts decided that disease needed monitoring. disease required professional management. disease needed public participation.

A monopoly/cartel was established over time to manage an extremely sophisticated system called healthcare, where we could all pay for regular visits called checkups so a qualified and licensed practitioner could practice on us, updating us on the status of our current disease while continuing to look for and declare our next disease(s). These encounters were excellent opportunities for us to divulge the most personal aspects of our lives for permanent storage and sharing in something known as a patient record, and to be educated regarding the latest diseases to be on the lookout for. This was also the only acceptable means of obtaining more prescription medicine, for scheduling future tests, treatments and special disease removal surgeries, where, if we were lucky, they might be able to simply cut the germs right out of our bodies.

The healthcare system provided us with an invaluable service: it coalesced and gave credence to all of our beliefs in germs, hygiene, infections, contagions, symptoms, non-symptoms, diseases, medicines, immunity and vaccinations. And disease removal surgeries. To achieve sufficient funding in order to work properly and manage us and all the potential diseases we were yet to believe in, the system depended on everyone's involvement. Since we were already either sick with disease, thinking we were sick with disease or believing we were about to become sick and diseased, our participation was a given. They needed us and, after sufficient indoctrination and training, we learned to believe that we needed them, too. After all, think of the children.

Healthcare made it possible for everyone to be moved through exciting and intricate processes that involved waiting rooms and visits with licensed experts (I wondered if they called us “patients” because of all the waiting we always had to do in those rooms. After all, our moms always told us to “Be patient!”). Once the waiting was over and we could be together with the experts, we could talk about our symptoms or our non-symptoms and be billed, and be tested and be billed, and get diagnosed and be billed, and have medicines prescribed and be billed, and undergo special treatments and be billed, and experiment with the latest medicines and be billed, and have disease removal surgeries and be billed, and repeat the process as many times as we could afford before we died, an event for which our families could be billed. What did all these processes share in common? A lot of waiting. And public safety, of course!

When the timing was just right, the healthcare experts told us it was necessary to change a lot of old definitions, the definitions of yesterday's settled science. This was today and the new settled science made it possible for us to have trendy new beliefs. You may be old enough to remember that back in the old days (a couple of years ago, as of this writing) sickness and disease had associated symptoms. Now I could be sick and have no symptoms because the latest germs, in cooperation with the latest No Symptoms Required diseases they caused, knew how to accomplish that. The experts of the new settled science said I could save others from the sickness I had, the one that wasn't making me sick, by wearing a mask as much as possible. They said all people need to stay away from all other people, unless the other people already lived in the same rooms. The perfect distance for staying away from others, brought to us by the new settled science, was 2 meters or 6 feet, depending on where the experts lived. Happily, whichever measurement system the experts believed in, Metric or Imperial, the local germs would believe in, too. But the experts said that mask wearing and physical distancing wasn't sufficient. The latest settled science was continuing to settle. Certain people, people only the experts could identify, needed to be quarantined and kept away from other people. For a long, long time settled science had published that the quarantining of sick individuals, individuals known to be sick due to the identifiable symptoms of the contagious disease they were said to be infected with, could disrupt transmission of their contagious disease. But these were the days of new settled science where sickness no longer needed symptoms. These were equitable days, where everyone could now experience being quarantined.

I had been taught that I couldn't have my cake and eat it, too. This metaphor was meant to convey to me the futility of believing I could consume something yet still have the something I had just consumed. I could have one or the other, just not both at the same time. And yet, I was supposed to accept that I could be filled with poisonous, lethal, deadly germs and carry them about, infecting, poisoning and killing everyone around me, and never be affected by those same poisonous, lethal, and deadly germs. So I really could have my cake and eat it, too. The only thing that could surpass such an amazing ability would be the cognitive dissonance necessary to believe it. I finally had my very own superpower!

And the new definitions kept coming. The official cause of death of any person could now be whatever the experts said it was, regardless of what actually killed them. And, lest any of us lowly cattle think we could achieve the common goal of herd immunity without their assistance, in the year 2020 the experts changed their definition of herd immunity, too. The new definition of herd immunity meant that enough of the herd was now achieving a sufficient level of vaccination injections. If only yesterday's settled science had known ...

With no proof it ever worked, the old theory behind vaccination was to prevent an otherwise healthy person from getting sick AND disrupt the transmission of that sickness to other people. But, under the new understanding, it made no difference whether any of those old goals were ever realized, because it was time for radical change, for new goals, and for things to be reset. In the year 2021, getting a vaccination no longer meant that you were immune, meaning that you wouldn't get sick with that same sickness again. And it no longer meant that there was any disruption in transmission, that you wouldn't make others sick with your sickness. When you did get sick, because getting sick was now inevitable, you could know for certain that it would have been so much worse had you not been vaccinated! No, really! Just trust the science, newly settled! The important thing was that by participating in their experiments, you were helping the experts achieve their vaccination threshold goals, and you were helping the medical practitioners get more practice. And you were helping the pharmaceutical industry achieve their sales goals. The whole world was now their laboratory and for reasons only the experts knew, the top priority was to get everyone injected. Injected people would still be required to obey the same mask-wearing, physical distancing and quarantining instructions that were issued to not-yet-injected people, and they would willingly comply. Because, whether it made any sense or not, whether it helped anyone or not, whether it was even ethical or not, at least it was settled science!

If everyone would stop being so selfish and just comply with whatever the experts were telling us to believe today, if everyone would be responsible and stay faithful with regular, consistent participation in the latest healthcare processes, whether anybody ever got better or not, regardless of how many people were harmed or died as a result, at the very least we could avoid the shame of being called an anti-vaxxer; or worse: anti-science!

The English word disease comes from the French word desaise, meaning lack of ease. Believe it or not, there really was a time when health was considered to be a normal state of being. Should a healthy person occasionally experience a lack of ease, or dis-ease, this would be seen as abnormal. The objective would be to re-establish normalcy, which was health. I know, I know - those silly French people! In recent times, more and more people began to experience dis-ease, and a return to health became more elusive. Eventually it became so commonplace to suffer dis-ease that we all needed to rethink our priorities and redefine what we considered to be normal. In order to successfully build out the system of dis-ease management known as healthcare, it was necessary to reverse the focus of our lives by altering the definitions of health and dis-ease. A process ensued:

Modern Sickness, Dis-ease and Health

  1. Health was once understood to be the normal state of being.
  2. Dis-ease was once understood to be an occasional lack of ease, such as might be experienced during a sickness.
  3. Dis-ease was redefined to include any and all bodily discomfort, disorder, symptomatic and asymptomatic condition, real or imagined.
  4. Health was then reintroduced as the temporary respite from dis-ease.
  5. Dis-ease eventually became the normal state of being, with everyone participating.
  6. Health, no longer a normal state of being, became the sophisticated, scientific, costly and unending process of managing dis-ease.
ama serpent symbol

We are at war! As with the war on drugs or the war on terror, the war on germs requires perpetual funding. Due to both its profitability and use as an effective population control agent, this war is never intended to end. If you accept that the heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things, it is not difficult to understand the enthusiastic participation in the delusion. Just follow the money: Is there more profit in cures or treatments? Can you imagine a world where everyone is healthy? They can, too, and it scares the shareholders to death!

Viewing dis-ease as an enemy combatant caused by invisible, dirty and infectious germs and countering every maneuver of those dis-ease-causing germs and body system failures with chemicals, blades and very cool tools is the domain of Allopathic Medicine, also called Western Medicine or Modern Medicine. Of course, this is not the only approach to health and/or sickness - just the most profitable. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and any number of so-called indigenous people's medicine are much, much older systems that did not believe in germs, hygiene, infections, contagions, symptoms, non-symptoms, dis-eases, medicines, immunity and vaccinations the way that clever Westerners did. Those poor people. 🙃

According to yesteryear's allopathy a dis-ease may be technically understood as an abnormal condition or disorder, the cause of which is either internal or external:

  • A dis-ease having an internal cause would be classified as a dysfunction of the immune system and would include allergies, hypersensitivities, autoimmune disorders, etc. Such a condition might be the result of certain deficiencies or body system failures.
  • A dis-ease caused externally, not to be confused with the trauma of a direct or immediate physical injury such as being crushed by a tractor or being torn asunder by wild beasts, would be due to an invasion of microscopic organisms called pathogens (a more scary, scientific-sounding word for those same germs I grew up believing in). Specifically, invasive viruses would cause cellular damage triggering the immune system to attempt to neutralize the unwelcome bodies by deploying anti-bodies. A war would then ensue, the symptoms of which would then be described as or be indicative of a dis-eased condition.

Prior to the year 2020, an allopathic-defined dis-ease would produce or be associated with one or more signs or characteristics called symptoms. The process that mapped a sick person's symptoms to an existing, named dis-ease was called making a medical diagnosis and may or may not require extensive testing (but they told us it definitely required licensing). From 2020 on, since symptoms would no longer be required for specific dis-eases, a diagnosis can still be made by using research tools, but the experts said assumptions, guesses and declarations made by licensed and authorized practitioners are just as effective. Because it's the licensing that matters. Only after an official diagnosis is made can a course of action called a medical treatment be prescribed.

Treatment almost always includes ingesting or being injected with one or more medications, if not merely to manage discomfort or pain, then to assist in making up for deficiencies, supporting system failures, and/or overwhelming the invisible enemy attacking within that likely caused all of this in the first place: those dirty germs. Costly surgical dis-ease removal procedures, or medical surgeries, may or may not be necessary.

If the diagnosed dis-ease is deemed to be curable (an older concept that has fallen into disfavor), then only by carefully following the treatment protocol can a dis-eased individual hope to be cured (but, in accordance with the advice from the legal team, no promises are made). Those who are told that they have incurable dis-eases can expect to continue treatment protocols for the rest of their lives, however long or short that is predicted to be, provided that they can afford the expense.

serpent dollar sign

Healthy people don't directly generate revenue for the industry of healthcare. That is why healthy people, who we all now know are simply enjoying a brief vacation from dis-ease, need health insurance. Once their vacation is over, and they can be told that they are not healthy, treatments can begin. Treatments are the goal, not cures. The money is in the treatments, so it becomes necessary to train the populace to expect to pay for treatments, all the while lowering any expectations of permanent cures. Just as the War Department is marketed as the Department of Defense, so Sickcare / Dis-ease Management is marketed as Healthcare. By continually adjusting the definition of normal, it becomes easier to market full public participation in the dis-ease management process. Allopathy is touted as the only science-based or evidence-based approach to sickness and dis-ease. This is most befitting, as science has become the art of generating and interpreting data, and massaging and reporting statistics, and can only be performed reliably by authorized club members. Coupled with financial and political agendas and backed by governmental authority, “evidence” is now whatever they declare it to be.

So-called Allopathic Medicine, so-called Western Medicine, so-called Modern Medicine has become EMINENCE-based Medicine. It is “science” by proclamation or decree.

They don't need to prove anything to anybody because, according to them, the science is already settled. Until it changes, of course. Should any of the experts present contradictory statements, this would be due to the fact that science is always changing (they prefer to say advancing or progressing). And, should anyone be foolish enough to ever question any of the experts' statements, whatever steps are necessary to silence objections are taken, because the science is settled! They would have us live as if it is our duty, whether we believe these so-called experts, whether they ever help us or not, whether we are even sick or not, to never be accused of being anti-science. They would have us live as if it is our duty to simply participate and allow them to manage us.

In preparation for the next generation of experts who would be trained to assist in humanity's common plight against the ravages of dis-ease, it would be necessary to continually adjust the curricula to build upon the newly laid foundation of the most recent fallacious dogma settled science. Successive generations of medical students could save everyone's time by not asking stupid questions that challenge the assumptions made by the status quo. There would be no reason to start over, revisiting old-fashioned nonsense such as the belief that sickness is largely due to poisonings, starvation and/or wrong behavior. That ancient and costly notion of observable, measurable and repeatable science has become no longer necessary. Indeed, this next generation of educated health professionals could improve everyone's lives by simply believing what they are told and getting on with the business of advancing their careers. In this way they would be in even better positions than their predecessors to assist all mankind in the growing need for greater healthcare participation, including the taking of more medicine and undergoing more treatments.

Massive industries have created the potential for incredible profits for most everyone involved, be they practitioners, administrators, sales agents, politicians, shareholders, etc. More importantly, control has been consolidated.

who snake symbol

No matter how sick you may or may not be, or whether you ever display any symptoms of sickness and dis-ease or not, when you participate in healthcare you are not just helping medical professionals get more practice; you are helping so many other people meet their financial goals, so that is something to feel good about.

With this understanding, it should be apparent why so many have become convinced that health is that state of being where a person is subjected to the protocol of medical expert advice, medical testing, medically diagnosis, medical treatment, taking the proper amount of medications, undergoing the appropriate number of surgical procedures and getting all your vaccinations.

Since 1948, the World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of dis-ease and infirmity.”

Is this what you believe health is?

The course of my life was interrupted in a most startling way, when I was apprehended by the Living God. If you desire, you can read about this encounter on my About Me web page. It can be accessed from anywhere on the site by clicking on the About menu item. That interruption altered everything, not the least of which was my belief in germs, hygiene, infections, contagions, symptoms, non-symptoms, dis-eases, medicines, immunity, vaccinations and healthcare. For example, when I asked God specifically about all I had been taught regarding sickness, He informed me quite clearly, saying:

Sickness does not work this way!

I set out to learn the TRUTH.

Details matter. Consider the following clarification of terminology:

  • Healthcare = Dis-ease management
  • Pharmacology = Chemical/drug sorcery
  • Insurance = Fear-based pre-payments
  • Technology = Data generation/manipulation
  • Shareholders and Lobbyists = Leadership & Guidance
  • Governments = Policy makers for, and enforcers of, all of the above

Regarding the time of the end, Daniel was told:

... many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

~ Daniel 12:4

We live in the days when knowledge has indeed been multiplied throughout the Earth. Most people I know assume this exponential multiplication of knowledge to be just wonderful, and feel supported and justified in their academic pursuits. Do not assume this increase in knowledge to be a good thing. We live in a day when children can no longer read or write in Cursive, but can recite all of the available genders and pronouns they can identify as. Forget basic survival skills; people can't travel from one place to the next without consulting a GPS. Have a question ... about anything? Ask Google, Alexa, Siri, or your choice of Internet-based sources of information.

Daniel was not told that it would be the knowledge of God that would be increased in the last days. More knowledge, more information, more data does not add up to more knowledge of the TRUTH.

For more on this topic, see my article titled, "Knowledge".

  • Science - the awareness and discovery of God's creation
  • Modern Science (so-called) - the accumulation of knowledge of anything and everything but God

Note how the very use of the adjective “modern” in the phrase “modern science” infers a contrast with science, actual science. Modern science has become that haven for men who seek a replacement explanation for God and all He has declared.

The systematized process often referred to as the scientific method, that of making observations, formulating hypotheses, conducting test experiments and documenting the results, is largely attributed to the 13th century scholar Roger Bacon. This process would begin with a challenge to an accepted dogma, and be accompanied by an opposing speculation and the formation what is called an HYPOTHESIS. In theory, observable, measurable and repeatable experiments could then be conducted to accept or reject the status quo, called the NULL aspect of the hypothesis. Once rejected, research could then be conducted to validate the speculation, called the ALTERNATIVE aspect of the hypothesis. Experimentation and research would produce results, or data, that would then be collated and compiled into a larger collection of information called statistics. These statistics could then be interpreted and, depending upon many factors which include the general consensus of one's peers, might constitute the new status quo.

The so-called scientific method was never about ascertaining the TRUTH. It was established as a means to an end, with the end being a documented justification for overthrowing yesterday's beliefs and replacing them with new beliefs.

Regardless of whether Bacon's approach to science is a good thing or not, I hope you realize that this quaint approach is no longer practiced. Modern science has no need for such a long, drawn out process.

Cambridge Dictionary - Science

In their own words, science is " ... the development of theories to describe the results ... "

To assume that only the purest of intentions and most honorable of philanthropic and humanitarian interests would drive the scientific quest for more knowledge, regardless of the cost, would be beyond naïve. Put another way, if anyone thinks that the exhaustive process detailed above is followed today, accompanied by some altruistic determination to accept the results regardless of the implications, they couldn't be more wrong. Modern science needs to cooperate with Power and Money in order to be viable. Unfavorable views cannot - will not - be tolerated. Determinations are set forth, new theories are developed and supported, assumptions are made, projects are financed, research is conducted, data is collected, statistics are professionally interpreted, papers that support the determinations are published, detractors are censored and/or silenced and modern science marches on, taking itself more and more seriously.

In the pursuit of so-called scientific knowledge, somebody figured out that new levels of population control could be achieved and untold profits could be generated by first equating healthcare with this “new and improved” science and then simply presenting data (the creation and management of which they had by now gained complete control over) more dogmatically.

The strategists started getting key talking points, charts and graphs in front of the propaganda distributors media broadcasters. Events were orchestrated and scripted interviews were conducted that had a fearful, lazy, gullible and faithless public on board with whatever new agenda was being sold. Imposing consequences on those who would dare to question such settled science would provide ample warning to any who might consider straying.

When the word science is bandied about today, it may be helpful to note that the so-called scientific method of yesteryear, that artful if not quirky approach to observable, measurable and repeatable experimentation, has been superseded by the technology of computer modeling, stunning computer-generated graphics, and digital information known as statistical data, thoroughly manipulatable at the speed of thought. The ability to generate realistic imagery that is not real at all has become so commonplace that most people no longer question what they are shown on screens.

So-called virology, the alleged study of (non-existent) viruses, relies entirely upon computer modeling, as there is nothing in the real world to be observed, let alone measured. More on this, later.

Recent attempts at allegedly unravelling the mysteries of life, such as the so-called mapping of the human genome, and even the theory behind it, that of the supposed discovery of DNA and RNA, along with the entire field of so-called genetics, all have computer modeling to thank.

When men aspire to wield control over others, such as desperately wanting to win an argument, they can and do resort to whatever means necessary. By associating their position with that of the worshipped and adored priesthood of modern science, and declaring said science to be settled, they have effectually stripped their opponent(s) of any credibility (you don't want to be called “anti-science,” do you?). They are then free to manipulate interpret the computer-generated data scientific fact heralded by the priesthood any way they wish accurately, combatting legitimate, truthful challenges mis-information in their war struggle against the useless eaters those who would impede humanity's progress. They change long-held definitions of words at will such as vaccine, herd immunity, or even pandemic.

When wielded as a weapon to ensure only one narrative is discussed, let alone advanced, and with Power and Money behind it, modern science becomes sci(L)ence: silencing disapproval, silencing disagreement, silencing dissent, silencing all opposing voices.

In addition to explicit efforts of silencing opposition, and in keeping with the current trend of re-defining words and phrases to suit the establishment of the new agenda in the Earth, science has been largely replaced with “the science.”

Cambridge Dictionary - The Science

Facts and opinions ... provided by scientists ... ? But what about TRUTH? Not surprisingly, so-called modern science is exalted in direct opposition to the very Word of God, Himself. It has established itself as a complete replacement for God.

Cambridge Dictionary - Trust

“In God we Trust” has been successfully replaced worldwide with “Trust The Science.” What is expected from mankind is the unquestioning acceptance of statistical data and opinions of certain people who have been trained to think and act in accordance with the (latest) status quo, the approved narrative, and to speak on the behalf of the State and its institutions. These spokespersons are presented to the public as the experts. Lest you be concerned, and begin to demand evidence and proof of their claims, rest assured: They have taken care of that for you. You need not worry your little heads, as any and all necessary study has already been completed, and the theories conclusions presented are already settled. They don't really care whether you believe them, or not. All that is required on your part is to acquiesce and comply.

Those who would have you follow the science are the same people who say the science is not only settled, but is constantly changing advancing and progressing.

One winter, nearly 2000 years ago in the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was walking in the Temple on the porch of Solomon. The Judeans surrounded Him and demanded, “ ... If you are The Messiah, tell us plainly!” He responded:

I have told you, and you don't believe, and the works that I do in the Name of my Father, they testify of Me. But you do not believe, because you are not of my sheep, just as I said to you. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.

~ John 10:25-27

Did you catch that? Jesus said, “I have told you, and you don't believe ... because you are not of my sheep.”

He said, “My sheep follow me.” Not science. Not the experts.

Unlike their science, He is not constantly changing, shifting, or settling. Unlike their science, He does not re-define His Words. Unlike their science, He is the TRUTH, the absolute TRUTH Who does not change.

For I am the LORD, I change not ...

~ Malachi 3:6

Paul, in his second letter to young Timothy, likened those who would live in the last days to the magicians who withstood Moses before Pharaoh, corrupt in their minds and reprobates from the faith, withstanding the TRUTH ...

... always learning and are never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

~ 2Timothy 3:7

Timothy was further warned to:

... guard that which is committed to you and escape from empty echoes (lit. daughters of the voice of vanity) and from the perversions of science, falsely so called (false knowledge).

~ 1Timothy 6:20

When I was told that sickness does not work like I grew up believing it did, I didn't argue with God. Instead of handing Him my list of “Oh yeah? Well, then what about ... ” and “So how do you explain ... ?,” I did what I would encourage anyone reading this to do: I yielded to God and offered Him a blank slate to write upon, an empty canvas to paint a clear picture on. This knowledge had been available to me all along. I had just never stopped to ask, before. After all, I already had my own opinions about how sickness worked, opinions fed to me by the establishment, and regurgitated by me whenever I wanted to sound like I had answers. Prior to being apprehended by God, my opinion was what mattered (so long as it was in line with the opinions of those I sought approval from).

I came to understand that those who had lived before us were correct all along: toxicity and/or malnutrition and/or wrong behavior were largely responsible for what was commonly referred to as sickness. I learned that ...

  • There is absolutely no evidence anywhere, possessed by anyone during any age, that any so-called micro-organism is the specific cause of any dis-ease.
  • So-called germs do not directly produce dis-ease.
  • Sickness is often consequential, but it is not contagious.
  • Entire industries were built upon the complete lack of even a shred of evidence.

WOW! So much for science! Did this worldwide adoption of the (non-)explanation of sickness, dis-ease and health feel like a carefully crafted agenda, or what!!!

This is the judgment: The Light has come into the world and the children of men loved the darkness more than The Light, because their works were evil.

~ John 3:19

However, the utter lack of evidence of any micro-organism being the specific cause of any dis-ease proved to be no match for the worldwide propaganda efforts that resulted in widespread adoption of the misplaced beliefs in germs, hygiene, infections, contagions, symptoms, non-symptoms, dis-eases, medicines, immunity, vaccinations and healthcare. Worldwide participation provided the funding and belief that made possible the formation of one of the most powerful, idolatrous religions in the history of mankind: Healthcarism with its administrative wing, the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

Since the fallacious and fraudulent proposals of the founders of the microbe (germ) theory in the 19th century, widely attributed to Frenchman Louis Pasteur and his German rival, Robert Koch, it has taken little more than a dozen decades to advance the deception worldwide:

  • Dis-ease, the collective group name for a set of germs, is now a “thing”, something out there, lurking in animals and people. And genetics. And dirty bathrooms ...
  • Deadly, invading pathogens, allegedly the real culprits behind dis-ease, are looking scarier and more colorful than ever, thanks to computer modeling, and are now everywhere. And they are out to get us all.
  • We are all carriers of infectious dis-ease, contagions and future pandemics - with or without symptoms.
  • Sickness and dis-ease are the direct result of a lack of participation in healthcarism, with its approach to proper medical care and monitoring, sufficient pharmaceuticals, surgical procedures and perpetual vaccinations.
  • Health is now defined as the activity or business of providing medical services. Thank you for your continued participation and support.

With the rise of the Church of Healthcarism, the indoctrination has been so thorough that everyone can believe they are in one form of dis-eased state or another, symptomatic or asymptomatic, and in need of never-ending testing regimens and treatment protocols. The only hope for preserving your ability to continue on being a valuable contribution to the world they want to live in will be found in a poke, a pill or a potion. This is the “new normal.”

You may ask, “But how could so many people be wrong?” Knowing the heart of man to be deceitful above ALL things, and desperately wicked, I suggest the better question would be, “Who in this generation was actively seeking the TRUTH?” Who stopped long enough to inquire of the Living God, determined to accept His Word on the matter, regardless of the cost?

... they did not receive the love of the truth in which they would have Life. Because of this, God sent them strong delusion that they would believe lies. And all those who believed not the truth, but chose evil, will be damned.

~ 2Thessalonians 2:10-11

If Germ Theory was true, human population would have been exterminated long ago, back when all the poor, ignorant and uneducated masses who lived for millennia before us didn't believe in germs, hygiene, infections, contagions, symptoms, non-symptoms, dis-eases, medicines, immunity and vaccinations and didn't have the worldwide system of healthcare in place to manage them. The very first (non-existent) outbreak that (never) broke out would have had zero reason to stop until it decimated all mankind. Surely you are aware that, back then, no one had access to our bevy of experts and the stunning technology of modern, miraculous, settled science ... the very same science proclaiming that without their draconian intervention all mankind would be lost! And yet those who lived before us survived. If sickness worked the way they want you to believe it does, no one would have been left alive today to even propose the so-called microbe theory, let alone to build an empire on it!

If Immune Theory was true, no one could ever get (or “catch”) what they call Strep Throat twice, let alone cold after cold after cold, or flu after flu after flu. If I had what they call Chicken Pox as a child, I could never experience what they call Shingles as an adult. One cold sore would complete the immunization process and herpes would never be victorious on anyone's lips again! And no one - I mean NO ONE - would ever need a so-called vaccination for a dis-ease that we are told IF we were to become infected there is a 99.7+ percent survival rate!

If Vaccination Theory was true, all sickness would have been eradicated decades ago. If vaccines ever worked you would never require a second injection, let alone a third or fourth, etc. You certainly wouldn't need to take measures to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, not if any of this was true!

It was partly the belief in these patently false (but highly profitable) theories and trust in the powerful and ubiquitous religion they inspired that permitted the entire world to be so easily conquered in 2020 with a crown (Latin: corona) without anyone ever firing a shot.

You can read more about the crown that was used to conquer (initiate the conquering of) the whole Earth in my article titled, "COVID-19: the CROWN".

You can read more about the White Horse and Rider in my article titled, "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse".

As of 2020, the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) includes more than 70,000 Clinical Modification (CM) diagnosis codes. Are there really 70k dis-eases in the Earth? Or have men found a way to describe 70k presentations of the symptoms of illness, all stemming from just a few root causes?

UPDATE: In January of 2022, ICD-10 was replaced with ICD-11, which codifies more than 85,000 dis-eases.

The word "health" is used to describe the natural state of being at ease. A lack of that natural ease would then be a state of dis-ease.

When my body is in a state of dis-ease, I want to know two things:

  1. What caused my "at ease" condition to change to one of dis-ease?
  2. How do I return to being at ease?

In lieu of germs, allow me to introduce you to my own recognition of seven causes* of sickness and dis-ease:

  1. Sin
  2. The Devil
  3. Poison
  4. Malnutrition
  5. Dehydration
  6. Parasites
  7. EMF toxicity

* - Causation refers to a direct or indirect element demonstrating sickness and dis-ease to be consequential. But for an overriding of natural order via a supernatural intervention, cause and effect are very much operational.

Item 7, above, is something of the new kid on the block, the result of manipulating electro-magnetic frequencies. Causes 1 through 6 have been around since the beginning, as have both the consequences and the remedies, where available.

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all my bones within me ... Do not forget how He benefits you ... He heals all your dis-eases ...

~ Psalm 103:1-3

I was reminded Who had made man and I knew that, for starters, actual health was innate to the body He had created. Being healthy was my normal state. When I was scratched or cut, in direct opposition to the 2nd law of thermodynamics (entropy), the wound would heal naturally in accordance with the design.

So Who, exactly, is responsible for me recovering from illness, any illness, naturally? When a light comes on with the flick of a switch, people are quick to credit Thomas Edison with the invention. When a telephone rings, people are quick to credit Alexander Graham Bell with the invention. And yet, when men recover from illness, who among them is quick to credit the One Who made him? Who will credit the LORD for his healing, healing that is inherent in the body that He made?

The more damage the body incurs, the longer the healing process might take. When the severity of the damage is such that the internal healing process is overwhelmed, instead of succumbing to the damage and dying, were you aware that intervention may still be available whereby health can be restored? Today, under such conditions, most people have been trained to dial for emergency services or acquiesce and complacently die. What has God told us?

For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the LORD ...

~ Jeremiah 30:17

The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness You restore him to full health.

~ Psalm 41:3

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved ...

~ Jeremiah 17:14

I learned how bodily tissue may be damaged due to various causes, including deprivation of sleep, nourishment, exercise, etc. In the case of internal toxicity or deficiency, bacteria already present in the body or produced on demand by the body (not invaders from without) congregate and begin breaking down the tissue, consuming the waste. This bioremediation, the natural bodily process of breaking down and expelling waste, often comes at a price: as bacteria consume dead tissue they generate their own toxic waste materials and it is these waste materials, not the bacteria themselves, that are largely responsible for what are referred to as symptoms of bacterial infection.

Symptoms of what they call the common cold: itchy eyes, scratchy throat, runny nose, cough and/or mild fever, are the result of the bioremediation process God designed within our bodies. Such conditions may occur as a direct result of recent damage, and/or in response to a seasonal sloughing off of toxins. My symptoms are typically indications of remediation. Most importantly, I can't give you my symptoms! To get them (God forbid!) you would need to suffer the same or similar exposure and damage I had encountered. Then, as your body begins the healing process, you may experience the same or similar symptoms I had.

Opportunistic parasites, real bugs, not computer-generated imaginary ones, also play a role in sickness and may, for better or worse, impact remediation. They can detect damaged and/or dying tissue, and they move in to clean it up. As any gardener knows, a sickly or an injured plant attracts bugs. Flies are attracted to garbage; they don't cause it! Fly larvae (maggots) consume dead flesh; they aren't waiting to attack and kill healthy living tissue. Sometimes, with some bugs, intervention is warranted, or the results can get really messy.

In the case where the tissue or material in question is not my own but rather that of another's, such as would occur if I were to ingest spoiled (dead, decaying) food, the bacteria that are already at work breaking down and disposing of the spoiled food I just swallowed may offer me a most unpleasant, potentially deadly surprise! There are no pathogenic, serial killer bacteria out to get me. There was no colony of germs assembled silently on the restaurant wall eagerly waiting for their opportunity to leap into the box containing my takeout food in order to sicken me! The toxic waste produced in the natural bioremediation process of the already decaying food, food that I shouldn't have eaten, will be responsible for my symptoms. Food poisoning is most definitely consequential! But you won't catch my food poisoning, nor will I catch yours. In fact, in some cases, even if we both ate the same spoiled food, one of us might not even get sick.

Consider my garden's compost pile: Bacteria are busy consuming and off-gassing in their role of bioremediation. Your compost pile smells just as bad as mine does, as they both are teeming with bacteria, and yet nobody has been foolish enough to claim that either of our compost piles have a bacterial infection. My compost pile didn't make your compost pile sick. And my compost pile most certainly didn't infect the whole neighborhood. There is no such thing as a compost contagion or compost pandemic! That said, I have no plans to run out to my or your compost pile, grab a handful of stinking, decaying compost and start munching on it. Nor would I rub it into my eyes, just as I wouldn't pour gasoline into them, either.

As with my pile of compost, my bowels are teeming with bacteria. But I do not consider my bowels to be infected. And no, I don't have more of the friendly type of germs than unfriendly. The bacteria do what they were designed to do. And that design does not include hunting me down to kill me.

“So maybe bacteria aren't the whole story ... But what about virology,” you may ask? “Surely you don't think all those smart people just made all this stuff up, do you?” As a child, I used to think that some expert once looked through a magnifying glass at some sick person's sputum and saw a virus, then set out to carefully validate and document that the thing they saw was really jumping from person to person, making healthy people sick.

But I learned that isn't the case, at all. Nobody ever saw a virus. Not ever! Nobody ever took a photograph of a virus. Instead, someone assumed that there must be some special, hidden germ, some tiny pathogen, heretofore unseen, that is causing all this sickness; sickness that they couldn't blame on bacteria. So they came up with this clever process to prove their hypothesis, something they (disingenuously) refer to as viral isolation:

A sample of human tissue from a sick person is added to a cell culture comprised of monkey kidney cells, bovine fetal serum, and other matter. That culture is then systematically starved and poisoned until a reaction called a cytopathic effect can be witnessed. That reaction is claimed to be proof that a virus is present and responsible for the cellular death. I mean, there couldn't be any other explanation for such a reaction, could there, such as starvation and poisoning? This cell culture experiment, a process virologists ludicrously refer to as isolation, has been done thousands upon thousands of times since being first established by John Enders in his attempt to find some particulate that could be said to be responsible for causing Measles.

To his credit, Mr. Enders also actually ran what is called a Control experiment (an old-fashioned kind of test), where the process used the first time was repeated, only this time he didn't add any sick person's sputum. Were you aware that, according to Mr. Enders and his team, the result of the Control experiment was identical to the result of the original experiment? Mr. Enders used the phrase “could not be distinguished with confidence.”

And it was decided that Enders' team had conclusively demonstrated the existence of the Measles virus. And modern virology was born!

The entire world stopped looking for the cause of any given dis-ease once it was decided that Dr. Enders' utterly inconclusive experiment would become the de facto proof of the existence of viruses. As each new virus is “discovered” and published, no control experiment results ever accompany the findings ... not ever! And why would they ever need to? In the most egregious affront to actual science, the debate is already settled prior to ever conducting the ridiculous experiment isolation process.

Most any dis-ease could now be said to be caused by some never-before-identified virus. Now they had the fertile grounds upon which to build out the massive medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex, and develop the pharmaceutical industry into the megalithic entity it is today. And, to this day, no one has ever witnessed a virus causing a dis-ease! No one has ever even isolated a virus, separating it from its host environment and demonstrating it to be an independent entity. Now that is settled science!

I learned that when body tissue is overwhelmed with toxicity and cells are dead and dying, my body produces solvents containing proteins and polymerase enzymes to wash away the toxins and decay. Solvents and particles, sometimes referred to as extra-cellular vesicles and/or exosomes, are either mistaken for or deliberately presented to be pathogenic invaders, and are said to be viruses. Efforts are then mounted to kill what are perceived to be deadly microscopic entities by adding even more poisons to the body, called antibiotics (Anti = against, Bio = life).

When Healthcare's solution is to further poison an already poisoned body, it is not hard to understand why so many are harmed and die under this so-called care, and become another statistic in what is classified as iatrogenic medicine. The figure cited back in 2015 was 200,000 Americans each year as a direct result of medical errors, with no reduction in deaths. That qualified iatrogenic medicine in 2015 to be the third leading cause of death of Americans, right behind so-called heart dis-ease and cancer.

Oh well, it's all for the greater good, right? We can just add more statistical data to the settled science and feel progressive.

I learned that what is referred to as the workings of an invading organism they claim to be a virus is actually the excretion of a toxic cell. Any so-called components of a virus exist apart from its host cell in the way a bowel movement exists outside of the colon: as ejected waste material, waste material that degrades and breaks down over time. I am not infected with bowel movements! And I don't pour poisons down my throat in an attempt to kill the bowel movement.

A so-called viral infection, or rather a collection of pleomorphic cellular material including enzymes and proteins, damaged tissue and various toxins, is NOT the result of a living, pathogenic organism. It has no nucleus, no circulatory, respiratory or digestive system. Such a so-called virus does not - indeed, it cannot - replicate. But sick tissue can continue to out-bud more toxic waste; waste that is mistaken as evidence of invading pathogens.

You or I, under the guise of a so-called quarantine, can be forced into a confine alone, isolated from others. Unlike you or I, a virus cannot be isolated, where it is separated from its host tissue, the cellular material in which it was found. It cannot be further purified, where it can then be shown to exist as an independent life form. Because a virus isn't an independent life form. A virus doesn't exist!

When cells and tissues are removed from a living host they begin to die. That includes cell and tissue samples assembled on slides for microscopic magnification, examination and evaluation. In labs across the Earth, samples of living tissues that are already dying are deliberately starved of nutrition and religiously saturated with toxic antibiotics (poisons) in order to observe and study what will happen next. Well, duh! Would any of you non-experts and non-scientific-types like to take a wild guess at the results? Here is a hint: The once living tissue is certainly not thriving and springing back to life! If you said that the living tissue is probably now either dead or soon will be, you would be correct! And if you were to question the role your initial extraction, starvation and poisoning played in that cellular disintegration, destruction and death, you would immediately demonstrate your scientific prowess, something gone horribly missing in all those laboratories throughout the Earth.

Would you then take the incredulous leap of faith along with those same so-called scientific types who go on to claim that the resultant particulate matter that is now muddying up the test samples of the disintegrating cells that were just starved and poisoned, particulates that are only now visible as starved and poisoned cells begin to break down, poop and die, is PROOF of an invading virus (one that you STILL can't see, by the way)? Would you assume that it was the virus you were convinced was responsible, the one you already had vested interest in, that this virus was what killed the once living tissue? Trillions of dollars, entire industries, careers, dreams, hopes and goals, vacation plans, career advancements, investment opportunities, new car purchases, etc. are resting on the leap required to call all that death matter the result of a virus. What do you say? If you have a vested interest in healthcare I am pretty certain of your answer, as pursuing the TRUTH will cost you dearly. There is simply too much for you to lose.

Dr. Stefan Lanka, who recently won his case in the German Supreme Court resulting from his claim that there is not, nor was there ever any such thing as a Measles Virus, wrote the following:

All claims about viruses as pathogens are wrong and are based on easily recognizable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations … All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells which were prepared in a special way. They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were infected by a virus. In reality, the infected cells and tissues were dying because they were starved and poisoned as a consequence of the experiments in the lab.

~ Stefan Lanka, Ph.D.

In April of 2021, Dr. Lanka went on to conduct the world's first control experiment of its kind, an experiment where the documented starvation and poisoning process that was conducted for the purpose of revealing the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus was duplicated, only without the addition of any allegedly infected tissue. The results were identical to the documentation presented as proof of the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus! Or, as John Enders put it so eloquently in the 1950s, “ ... could not be distinguished ... ”

No virus has ever been seen in the wild. No virus has ever been extracted from any sick person, thus no virus has ever been isolated, thus no virus has ever had any so-called genomic sequence run on it, thus there is no way to search for a virus in a tissue sample, as no one has any idea what to look for!

Cells subjected to starvation and poisoning die. As they die, they express material, material that cannot be isolated from the cells it emerged from. By mis-classifying that material as a virus, or by claiming a virus is responsible for the presence of the material, the lie continues. More to the point, the money continues to flow, as the business of science has an agenda. Nobody has ever seen a virus, but everyone believes viruses exist and are the cause of all the worst sicknesses in the world.

When a person is challenged with the claim that there is no such thing as a pathogenic virus of any kind, they typically (and often disingenuously) demand, 'Well, then, what do you say is causing the dis-ease?'

When possible or even probable causes (called hypotheses by those are still looking for the real cause) are put forth, these are readily dismissed. Rather than acknowledge proposals of alternative explanations as {hack! spit!} mere hypotheses, any deviation from the status quo is said to be conspiracy theory - and we all know how anti-science conspiracy theories are! This allows the mind to justifiably retreat back behind the comfort of already knowing the answer, regardless of how untruthful that answer might be. Because what matters to most is possessing a packaged explanation regardless of veracity or validity. No one wants to let go of what they believe without having a replacement belief. There can be no uncomfortable interim where one simply is forced to respond, 'I don't know!'

What do we know, for certain? We know that sickness and death are very real.

As stated earlier, I learned that sickness is often consequential, but it is not contagious. Contrary to the common dogma, neither the so-called common cold or the so-called flu is spread from one person to another by touching or breathing on one another. I can become sick. But I do not make you sick with my sickness and you do not make me sick with your sickness.

NOTE: I believe it was helpful to me that I had grown up in a time when doctors still made occasional house calls, and I was familiar with many, many more stories from just one and two generations earlier where house calls were the norm. Having heard a child was sick with a fever, for example, a doctor would arrive at a home in a HASMAT suit, with representatives of the CDC and the National Guard in order to get that family quarantined! Oh, wait ... wrong era. Back then, they didn't wear masks and social distance. And they certainly didn't hesitate to jump in and provide comfort to someone was was feeling poorly. And none of the children that lived in the one room log cabin along with the sick sibling got sick. And the doctor didn't get sick. Crazy, right?

What are being called viruses and viral variants are the result, not the cause, of the toxic state. As such, there are no viral infections, viral outbreaks, or viral pandemics.

Since so-called viruses aren't causing sickness, what is? What is causing this toxic, poisoned state? Wouldn't that be an important question to ask? What is truly making people sick? As long as people perpetuate the brilliantly propagandized knee-jerk reaction of blaming sickness on viruses, the result of decades of indoctrination and brainwashing, no one will be investigating further.

There is no question that a so-called outbreak can occur where more than one person is collectively subjected to the harmful effects of starvation, poison or parasite and many people experience identical, or very similar, symptoms.

What I learned, though, was how the industry that was promoting the virus explanations was quietly injecting most everyone with toxic poisons, called vaccines. Telling people, “The viruses are coming! The viruses are coming! But we have the vaccine that could save you!” would drive the fearful into waiting rooms to be injected. As their health deteriorated, they could be told, “Surely the virus was responsible!” What a perfect cover story.

When an explosive device is deliberately detonated in a building occupied by men, women and children, those occupants experience an outbreak of surprisingly similar, though not necessarily identical, symptoms; symptoms that may include harm and death. No virus is involved.

When a pack of lions advance upon a small village occupied by men, women and children, those occupants experience an outbreak of surprisingly similar, though not necessarily identical, symptoms; symptoms that may include harm and death. No virus is involved.

When a fire ravages through a community occupied by men, women and children, those occupants experience an outbreak of surprisingly similar, though not necessarily identical, symptoms; symptoms that may include harm and death. No virus is involved.

When a local factory spews toxic poison into the air or water of an area occupied by men, women and children, those occupants experience an outbreak of surprisingly similar, though not necessarily identical, symptoms; symptoms that may include harm and death. No virus is involved.

When wicked people deliberately develop poisonous substances (chemical weapons that some refer to as bio-weapons) and/or distribute those poisons to others, however packaged and by whatever means, the recipients experience an outbreak of surprisingly similar, though not necessarily identical, symptoms; symptoms that may include harm and death. No virus is involved.

When thinking about large groups of people getting really sick at the same time, do not forget that, along with various poisons, starvation (malnourishment, nutritional deficiencies) has sickened many and claimed significant numbers of lives for thousands of years. Did you know:

  • Science categorized these illnesses as named dis-eases.
  • Science insisted these dis-eases were infectious, the result of an invading pathogen.
  • Science was completely wrong about how sickness worked.

So-called Beriberi, once thought by science du jour to be an infectious dis-ease, was eventually claimed to be the result of a vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency. Science re-settled.

Likewise, so-called Pellagra was eventually claimed to be the result of a vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency. Science re-settled, again.

And everyone seemed to forget how dogmatic science was before the re-settling was forced upon them. For nearly 100 years sailors were thought to be suffering from a new viral dis-ease called Scurvy. It was eventually claimed to be the result of a vitamin C deficiency. Ready? Science had to re-settle, again.

Even Malaria, still thought by the mainstream to be the result of a particular breed of mosquito sucking up a particular parasitic protozoa which harbors a particular virus, is claimed by a growing number to be the result of vitamin deficiency (malnutrition) ...

Were any of these so-called dis-eases truly caused by a vitamin deficiency? What we do know is that when people who were suffering the symptoms of these so-called dis-eases began consuming actual food, quality food, instead of the meager rations of the horrible diets they had been subjected to, the dis-eases suddenly went away.

Once I realized that such outbreaks of dis-ease are not due to viruses - they are NOT the result of some murderous germ - I was released from the hypnotic, paralyzing fear that contributes to the idolatry of Healthcarism.

Once I grasped the falsehood behind the notion of infectious pathogens, I was free to honestly examine my lifestyle (work, play, habits, clothing, thoughts, beliefs, rituals, words I speak, etc.) along with the food, water and air I was intaking. When I truly wished to gain insight into what was causing the symptoms of a sudden and mysterious illness, instead of assuming it be caused by an invisible virus, something I could hate or be scared to death of, all the while seeing myself in the role of the hapless victim, I began asking rude questions, such as: What role might I have played? What did I do, differently? What changes did I subject my body to? What may have been done to me?

By way of example, if I were to suddenly radically alter my dog's diet, I would likely be rewarded with his vomit and loose stools, and I would subsequently gain a deeper, subjective understanding of this simple phenomenon. Hopefully, I would not then be foolish enough to ignore the dietary change and shuttle him off to a vet to start hunting for some invisible, non-existent germ to blame. Hopefully, I would not blame the already present remediation and clean-up crew for my dog's violent reaction. Hopefully.

If I were to deprive my body of adequate rest, air, nutritive food, clean water, etc. I could be in for a rude awakening. When I experience symptoms as a direct result of my behavior, am I foolish enough to blame my symptoms on a non-existent, invisible enemy, claiming, “I ran down my immune system such that the pathogen finally got me?” My body requires proper and consistent nourishment, exercise and rest to maintain health. When I have the choice, what am I feeding it? What am I depriving it of or overwhelming it with? What role does engineered, unnatural food, play in my diet? What role does ingesting contaminated water play in my overall health? How does being constantly subjected to artificial light affect me?

What poisons might my body have been subjected to over time, and/or recently, that may now be overwhelming my body? I learned that poisons come in many forms from many sources. Poisons can be ingested, inhaled and absorbed into the skin as well as be deliberately injected into the body. What effect on my health does the constant exposure to “perpetual chemicals” in air and the rainwater have? And for how many years has all this been going on?

If you stop to compare the symptoms of poisoning, in all its forms, with the symptoms of so-called viral dis-eases, you are in for a real awakening. If you do the lightest research on the poisons introduced into the food supply over the last 200 years, predominantly in the name of corporate profits, you are in for a real awakening.

We know that our bodies are highly electrically sensitive. If it were not so, that 12-lead EKG in the back of the ambulance would be useless, as would an EEG, defibrillators or pacemakers. Many are awakening to the toxic effects of electrical exposure and re-thinking the cause(s) of so-called seasonal illnesses, such as when nearly everyone moves inside into highly charged electrical environments during the winter months. Ignoring reality, year after year, Fred - at the office - gets the blame for spreading his contagious flu. Or little Billy - at school - is blamed for spreading his contagious cold.

Over time my understanding of sickness changed completely. I realized that by effectually swapping out pathogens for poisons (including electrical) and starvation (including malnutrition), a massive shift in responsibility had just occurred. I saw that I could longer live as though I were the unwary victim of a war being waged against me by invisible, microscopic, malicious enemies called germs, the treatment of which would need to include deliberate dosing with even more toxic poisonings.

I realized that dis-ease-resistance was no longer the issue. At the heart of the matter was responsibility-resistance. The level of my resistance to gaining this true understanding was directly related to my willingness to accept responsibility. And that true understanding included recognizing the deliberate blame-shifting efforts on the part of those who would prefer to have you fearful of invisible, non-prosecutable germs, rather than tracking down and holding those that are conducting the poisoning(s) to account.

Do you believe that the Living God created man to be sick all his days, in a persistent dis-eased state, fending for himself and suffering unceasingly except, perhaps, for occasional visits of Divine intervention?

Do you believe that the Living God created man to be dependent on a system of healthcare to manage his dis-ease as he slowly perishes? If so, can you explain why He would wait thousands upon thousands of years to implement it? Do you actually believe that God's greatest achievement would not be realized until the mid-1800s, when He would establish the teets of so-called modern science for mankind to suckle on?

According to Jesus it is health, not sickness, that is the normal state. Those who are sick are not healthy.

The healthy have no need for a healer, but those who have become very ill ...

~ Mark 2:17

The sick need a healer? Who is this healer?

I am the LORD, your healer.

~ Exodus 15:26

John wrote:

I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

~ 3John 1:2

Consider the man, lame from birth, who looked to Peter and John for charity and to whom Peter said:

I have no gold or silver, but what I do have, I give to you: In the name of Jesus The Messiah, the Nazarene, stand up and walk.

~ Acts 3:6

As the locals gathered to marvel at this man's restoration to wellness Peter, addressing Jerusalem's residents, said:

You killed Him, The Ruler of Life, whom God raised from among the dead, and we are all His witnesses. By the faith of His Name, this one whom you see and know, He has restored and healed, and faith in Him has given him this health before you all.

~ Acts 3:15-16

According to the Scriptures, health pertains to the body and comes from God. Health is understood as being well, being whole, without blemish, at ease, having wellness, soundness. Throughout the Scriptures, health is that which we are returned to, as in having been healed, restored, made whole.

For those who have ears to hear: In the Name of Jesus, “Be healthy!”

After rising from the dead, Jesus appeared to his 11 remaining disciples while they were having dinner. Rather than pat them on their heads and give everybody affirming hugs for their lack of faith and callousness of heart at not believing those who had seen Him alive, He rebuked them. Then He declared to them the following:

These signs will accompany these who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, and they will speak in new languages. And they will take up serpents/snakes, and if they should drink lethal poison, it will not harm them, and they will place their hands on the sick and they will be healed.

~ Mark 16:17-18

The Living God made it a point to address the issue of ingesting poison by stating that among those who believe, they will not be harmed. He also added that when those who believe will lay their hands upon the sick, the sick will be healed ...

  • HEALED, not treated.
  • HEALED, not be asymptomatic yet remain contagious.
  • Restored to HEALTH, not be temporarily in remission.
  • HEALTHY, as in not sick!

The followers of the LORD Jesus were not instructed in how to give medical advice, a medical diagnosis, medical treatments and/or medicines. For that, people would have needed to see a licensed medical practitioner. He did not send His disciples to medical school to learn about the diagnosis of dis-ease, treatment of symptoms, procurement and distribution of medicines, surgical procedures, physical therapy, psychiatry or anything else that remotely resembles so-called modern medicine. Jesus never promised that one day medical knowledge would supersede His own knowledge and His followers could finally abandon His primitive approach to health in favor of receiving salvation via the priesthood of Healthcarism. He most certainly did not tell those who had left all to follow Him that all this power to help the afflicted would be useless one day, once sick people could finally get the help they really need by simply calling their local emergency service.

Many religionists seek to justify their lack of knowledge of the TRUTH and lack of faith in God by looking to the Scriptures for validation of their idolatrous belief in Healthcarism. Lest they be viewed as undesirable to bestow honor upon, lest they come across as out of touch, kooky, anti-vaxx, anti-science or unacceptable to, and GASP! unlovable by the world, they work diligently to explain away what they perceive to be a primitive God and a superstitious people, going so far as to blasphemously suggest that, “Had so-called modern medicine been available at the time, not only would Jesus have participated in it, he could have helped so many more people!”

These blasphemers would have you believe that, had the sorcery only been available back in His day, our LORD Jesus would have been one of the first in line to get his vaccination injections!

According to these false teachers, it is as though God may have wanted to tell all of us how sickness and dis-ease really worked, all about germs, hygiene, infections, contagions, symptoms, non-symptoms, dis-eases, medicines, immunity, vaccinations and healthcare thousands of years ago, but He had to wait until the mid-1800s to begin to do so because we just weren't advanced enough scientifically to believe in it! Either that, or He didn't even find out Himself, until then!

These religionists foolishly seek to equate Biblical pestilence with (non-existent) viral outbreaks, Biblical plagues with so-called natural disaster and ceremonial hand washing with hygiene. They hold that those poor, ignorant and uneducated masses who lived for millennia before us either had it all wrong, being misinformed, misguided and deluded, or were under some special consideration (dispensation) back in the old days where everything worked differently; back when God “used to interact directly with mankind.”

Rather than measure themselves and the world around them in accordance with the unchanging Word of God, they seek to explain away God's Words using their ever-changing science and the doctrines of commandments of men.

Malachi heard God say of Himself:

For I the LORD do not change!

~ Malachi 3:6

Nevertheless, it is common in so-called theological circles to adopt the belief that God changed; at least, He changed what He told mankind and He did things differently in one era than He did in another. This notion allowed religious types to believe they could better fit in with those who didn't believe in God at all. They could appear knowledgable and modern to those who were perishing. They could be trendy and fashionable. And they could trust in and believe in Healthcarism, just like the rest of respectable mankind does.

Perhaps you have heard some or all of the following, explicitly or inferred (warning: heavy use of sarcasm follows):

  • People can't believe in a God who punishes them by making them sick! God is love.
  • What does sin have to do with science, anyway? God wants us to feel good about ourselves. Don't be judgmental!
  • What do you mean, “there is nothing new under the sun?” We all know that there were fewer dis-eases for people to get sick with back in Bible days, because there were fewer people alive. New dis-eases have continued to spontaneously create themselves, evolving over time. More people means more sickness and dis-eases, because people make other people sick.
  • Superstitious people used to think of sickness and dis-ease as evil, and the work of the Devil, but science has cleared that up for us by informing us that invisible germs are simply amoral killing machines.
  • Believing in something you can't see, like the Devil or miracles or even God, is downright unscientific. But believing we live on a ball spinning at 1000 mph that is circling the sun at 66,000 mph, the whole solar system hurtling through an ever-expanding universe at incomprehensible speed, all while the constellations of stars are in precisely the same configurations they have been in since they were created; believing that we stick to the globe of the Earth through a magical force called gravity, a force strong enough to hold the mighty oceans in place in the face of the centrifugal force that would otherwise fling us all off into space, while a piece of lint is somehow allowed to float effortlessly away from the ground; believing in invisible deadly germs and pathogens that are hunting mankind to extinction - this is all acceptable, settled science!
  • Remember the patience of Job, the man who got sick and God just looked the other way. From this incident we learn that God uses our sickness, dis-ease, calamity, tragedy and death as educational tools to show us how to be more spiritual and to love God more. But, just in case we're wrong about that, we'll be scheduling regular checkups and follow-up appointments with our doctors. And increasing our health insurance.
  • Back in Bible days a person could request to have hands laid upon them, be anointed with oil, bathe in a particular pool and/or pray for restoration of health. While it may sound very spiritual, it is actually very unsanitary and dangerous. We can't really prove such behavior ever did them any good. Today we listen to the science and don't fall for such nonsense.
  • What superstitious people used to call demon possession, experts now know to be either mental illness or unexplained phenomena. In the case of mental illness, everyone knows mentally ill people must learn to live with their illness and take proper medications and endure counseling for the rest of their lives. In the case of unexplained phenomena, until modern science explains it, we'll just leave it at that.
  • Jesus may have cast out demons and performed miracles as the Son of God for two or three years, but that would have been just to prove Who He was. He is gone now, as is the need for Him to prove anything. And demons are gone. And miracles are gone. And apostles and prophets are gone. And God is silent. And in place of all that we now have modern science and Healthcarism.
  • We thank God for the miracle of modern medicine, miracle drugs and His miraculous guidance of the hands of the dis-ease removal surgeons. Because, for at least 5,850 years this was always what He yearned to give us, but didn't. This was what He always wanted us to believe in, but it wasn't available, yet. All that supernatural stuff was merely a stopgap measure for primitive, unscientific, superstitious types. The future, the one God envisioned, is here!
  • And, lest we forget, Luke was a doctor. That means that he trusted the science!

Okay. Enough foolish talk. I'll return now to what God says ...

Clean and Unclean

According to the Scriptures, the understanding of Clean and Unclean have nothing whatsoever to do with disinfectants or the lack thereof, let alone hygiene. Once God gave the law to Moses, no matter how much soap a son or daughter of Israel may have wished to apply to a mouse, mole or lizard, these animals were declared to be Unclean to them.

... I AM LORD JEHOVAH your God and you shall be hallowed and you shall be Holy Ones, because I am holy; you shall not defile your souls by any creeping thing that creeps on the Earth.

~ Leviticus 11:44

And yet God never said these animals were poisonous or laden with germs! God declared them perfectly fine for strangers to consume:

... And you shall not eat anything that is defiled, but give it to the traveler who is in your city; he will eat it. Or sell it to a foreigner, because you are a holy people to LORD JEHOVAH your God ...

~ Deuteronomy 14:20-21

According to what God told Moses, after childbirth a new mother was declared to be Unclean for a period of 7 days if she bore a son and 14 days if she had a daughter. An additional 33 days were added for the blood cleansing if the child was male, and 66 days if the child was female. Both a burnt offering and a sin offering were then required to complete the Cleansing. See Leviticus 12:1-8

Unclean does not mean infected with contagious germs! Just as Clean is not synonymous with healthy!

Leprosy was another Unclean condition. But there was no issue of contagion. Quite the contrary, anyone experiencing “ ... a sore in the skin of his flesh or a scab or shiny spots ... ” needed to be brought to Aaron the Priest or one of his sons in order to first be thoroughly examined before being declared Unclean. It was then necessary for the Priest to separate the person from the camp and continue to regularly examine the person in order to be able to declare him Clean again. See Leviticus 13:1 - 14:32

Lest you think this separation was needed to save the dis-ease from spreading, please note that the Priest took NO physical precautions for his multiple examination encounters with the one declared to be Unclean. No Priest ever contracted leprosy as a result of making such examinations!

God would sometimes “ ... put a mark of leprosy on a house.” A process would ensue that involved inspection, scraping, stone removal, even burning. See Leviticus 14:33-57

Please note, again, that those who were sequestered to remediate an Unclean house did not dress in hazmat suits. Yet no one had to be hospitalized. No one died from the process. No one got sick!

Jesus did not foam-up, wash-up, mask-up, gown-up, glove-up and remain 6 feet away from the leper who came to worship Him:

... he (the leper) said, 'My lord, if you are willing, you are able to purify me.' And Jesus, stretching out his hand, touched him, and he said, 'I am willing. Be purified', and at that moment his leprosy was purged.

~ Matthew 8:2

Furthermore, Jesus commanded His disciples to go and do likewise, to “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and cast out demons ... ” There was NEVER any warning given to “Watch out for those sick lepers, 'cause you don't want to catch what they have! Make sure you wash your hands!”

If, instead of understanding what God's declaration of Clean and Unclean means, you really, really want to believe that the priests, the house cleaners, Jesus and all His followers had “special protection,” you might want to put some effort into getting some of that same special protection for yourself.

As for me, if I believed I were suffering an Unclean condition, instead of running to the sink for a dose of anti-microbial soap, I would turn to our one and only High Priest, Jesus, to receive the purification, the declaration of “Clean,” that He alone provides:

From now on you are CLEAN because of the word which I have spoken with you.

~ John 15:3

“ ... because of the word which I have spoken ... ,” not because of what you did or will do!

The 10 Plagues of Egypt

  • Water turned to blood
  • Frogs
  • Gnats
  • Flies
  • Death of Egyptian livestock
  • Boils
  • Hail
  • Locusts
  • Darkness
  • Death of the firstborn sons

See Exodus 7:14-11:10

I have heard the word plague (wrongly) equated with various (so-called) “contagious dis-ease events” over the years. None of the 10 plagues of Egypt occurred as the result of germs. There were no bacterial infections or viral outbreaks. These plagues were not due to a lack of sanitization or a dearth of vaccinations. The bordering nations didn't catch any of the plagues that came upon the land of Pharaoh, the Pharaoh who memorably refused to obey God!

There is no record of man overcoming a plague or any judgement authorized by God through his own cleverness, ingenuity or technology. That should be a clue ...

The Egyptians were not the only people to suffer from boils. You may recall the story of Job:

So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown. And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes.

~ Job 2:7-8

Brethren, think this through: if God has authorized “the plague” be sent upon you, how does going to the doctor override that?

If I was convinced I was suffering by the hand of God, I would repent immediately! Just as calling the doctors to work their magic didn't save Pharaoh or his people, it is not going to save me - not if it is God who is judging me - not if it was God Who sent the plagues in the first place!


As you hear of (and experience) the coming so-called food shortages, the following verses may challenge widely held notions regarding Who, exactly, is in charge of things:

Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things, therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the LORD will send against you, in hunger and thirst, in nakedness, and lacking everything. And he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you.

~ Deuteronomy 28:47-48

For behold, the Lord GOD of hosts is taking away from Jerusalem and from Judah support and supply, all support of bread, and all support of water ...

~ Isaiah 3:1

Rejoice not, O Philistia, all of you, that the rod that struck you is broken, for from the serpent's root will come forth an adder, and its fruit will be a flying fiery serpent. And the firstborn of the poor will graze, and the needy lie down in safety; but I will kill your root with famine, and your remnant it will slay.

~ Isaiah 14:29-30

But you who forsake the LORD, who forget my holy mountain, who set a table for Fortune and fill cups of mixed wine for Destiny, I will destine you to the sword, and all of you shall bow down to the slaughter, because, when I called, you did not answer; when I spoke, you did not listen, but you did what was evil in my eyes and chose what I did not delight in.” Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, my servants shall eat, but you shall be hungry; behold, my servants shall drink, but you shall be thirsty; behold, my servants shall rejoice, but you shall be put to shame;"

~ Isaiah 65:11-13

And I will send sword, famine, and pestilence upon them, until they shall be utterly destroyed from the land that I gave to them and their fathers.

~ Jeremiah 24:10

Now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, my servant, and I have given him also the beasts of the field to serve him. All the nations shall serve him and his son and his grandson, until the time of his own land comes. Then many nations and great kings shall make him their slave. But if any nation or kingdom will not serve this Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, I will punish that nation with the sword, with famine, and with pestilence, declares the LORD, until I have consumed it by his hand.

~ Jeremiah 27:6-8

Thus says the LORD of hosts, behold, I am sending on them sword, famine, and pestilence, and I will make them like vile figs that are so rotten they cannot be eaten. I will pursue them with sword, famine, and pestilence, and will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, a terror, a hissing, and a reproach among all the nations where I have driven them ...

~ Jeremiah 29:17-18

You recently repented and did what was right in my eyes by proclaiming liberty, each to his neighbor, and you made a covenant before me in the house that is called by my name, but then you turned around and profaned my name when each of you took back his male and female slaves, whom you had set free according to their desire, and you brought them into subjection to be your slaves. Therefore, thus says the LORD: You have not obeyed me by proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother and to his neighbor; behold, I proclaim to you liberty to the sword, to pestilence, and to famine, declares the LORD. I will make you a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.

~ Jeremiah 34:15-17

I will punish those who dwell in the land of Egypt, as I have punished Jerusalem, with the sword, with famine, and with pestilence ...

~ Jeremiah 44:13

You shall be a reproach and a taunt, a warning and a horror, to the nations all around you, when I execute judgments on you in anger and fury, and with furious rebukes—I am the LORD; I have spoken— when I send against you the deadly arrows of famine, arrows for destruction, which I will send to destroy you, and when I bring more and more famine upon you and break your supply of bread. I will send famine and wild beasts against you, and they will rob you of your children. Pestilence and blood shall pass through you, and I will bring the sword upon you. I am the LORD; I have spoken.

~ Ezekiel 5:15-17

For thus says the Lord GOD: How much more when I send upon Jerusalem my four disastrous acts of judgment: sword, famine, wild beasts, and pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast!

~ Ezekiel 14:21

I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities, and lack of bread in all your places, yet you did not return to me,” declares the LORD. “I also withheld the rain from you when there were yet three months to the harvest; I would send rain on one city, and send no rain on another city; one field would have rain, and the field on which it did not rain would wither; so two or three cities would wander to another city to drink water, and would not be satisfied; yet you did not return to me,” declares the LORD. “I struck you with blight and mildew; your many gardens and your vineyards, your fig trees and your olive trees the locust devoured; yet you did not return to me,” declares the LORD. “I sent among you a pestilence after the manner of Egypt; I killed your young men with the sword, and carried away your horses, and I made the stench of your camp go up into your nostrils; yet you did not return to me,” declares the LORD. “I overthrew some of you, as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and you were as a brand plucked out of the burning; yet you did not return to me,” declares the LORD. “Therefore thus I will do to you, O Israel; because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”

~ Amos 4:6-12


Pestilence - root word: pest. Think: frogs, gnats, flies and locusts - not (non-existent) viruses.

One time I was visiting brothers and sisters in a small, rural town. Upon my arrival I was treated to an outdoor BBQ feast where we were besieged by flies. Yet no one seemed to notice - it was quite surreal. I attempted to engage anyone in conversation regarding the number of flies we were collectively experiencing, more than I had ever witnessed, only to have the conversation dismissed and the subject changed. I knew these bugs were (for some reason) authorized to be here - and I knew that I was authorized to remove them. I withdrew from the crowd and rebuked the flies, ordering them out of town. I returned to enjoy my fly-free meal. And no one noticed the flies were absent. Did I mention how surreal the whole event seemed? A week or so later I attended an auction held in a massive barn (large enough inside for a horse show) that was situated right next to the main highway and not more than a couple of miles away from where that fly-infested BBQ had been held. After the auction, the multiple barn doors were opened to allow vehicle access for the buyers and sellers to remove their items from the premises. I watched the whole barn emptying process from the safety of a bench positioned out of the way against a far wall. Once the barn was emptied, I was startled by what I thought to be a momentary anomaly in my vision, as I witnessed most of the wall of the barn opposite me appear to shift, to move ... ever-so-slightly. Then it shifted again. Did I mention it was a big barn? I rose from my bench to investigate and, as I approached the massive wall, my gaze was drawn out through the open barn doors to the sign on the nearby highway ... you know the one ... the Welcome to Town sign. As I grew near to the wall and the awareness of what I was witnessing began to dawn upon me, the hair began to stand up on the back of my neck and I nearly wept. My gaze returned to the wall where I beheld more flies than I had ever seen in my life, all massed together to cover that entire barn wall. They had been told to leave town ... so they did!

If I was convinced I was experiencing a Biblical pestilence where real, not imagined, pests have been authorized to besiege an area, I would first seek God for the specifics of any violation(s) that may have brought about such judgement, and then stand in His authority to deal with the pests. If God has sent the pestilence, spraying a swarm of insects with DDT will not substitute for the obedience and authority required for God to stop the pestilence.

Sin, sickness and death

It is written that King Herod was praised by the people who said, 'These are the sayings of God and not of men':

... because he did not give the glory to God, immediately The Angel of THE LORD YHWH struck him and he was infested with worms and he died.

~ Acts 12:23

Please do not be foolish enough to think that a good de-worming with antibiotics or an herbal parasite cleanse could have spared that king.

You may know of Ananias and his wife Sapphira, who sold a field and gave some of the proceeds to the apostles in Jerusalem. Ananias withheld some of the money for himself, which would have been perfectly acceptable had both he and his wife not lied about it. They both dropped dead as a result. Please do not be foolish enough to ponder, "If only someone had known CPR ... " See Acts 5:1-11

Jesus' disciples asked Him regarding a man born blind:

... Master, who is it that has sinned, this one or his parents?

~ John 9:2

Jesus could have said, “How insensitive! What makes you think there is anything wrong with this man?” Or He could have said, “Don't be ridiculous! Sin doesn't have anything to do with physical health and well-being.” He could have said, “What? Everyone has to suffer for their own sins! You can never inherit consequences for your parents sin!” But He didn't say any of those things. In this case, for this particular young man, Jesus said:

... He had not sinned nor his parents, but that the works of God may appear in him.

~ John 9:3

And when He had said these things, He spat on the ground and formed clay from His spittle and He smeared it on the eyes of him who was blind.

~ John 9:6

He instructed the man to:

... Go wash in the baptismal pool of Shilokha (Siloam).

~ John 9:7

The man did as he was instructed:

... he went on, he washed, and as he was returning, he saw.

~ John 9:7

“What?” gasp the ignorant. “You're telling me that Jesus ejected his germ-laden spit out of His mouth and onto the filthy, germ-laden ground, mixed it with a non-gloved, germ-laden hand, then smeared it into an unsuspecting blind man's eyes? Oh the horror! The assault! Then He had the gall to send the poor man stumbling away to a germ-laden public pool, devoid of chlorine, and probably teeming with parasites! I refuse to believe a loving God would do such a thing.”

How important it is to have access to the One Who authorizes everything!

Then the LORD said to him, 'Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?'

~ Exodus 4:11

If I was convinced that I was sick as the result of sin, my next step would be to stop sinning! If sin is the cause, how could drugs or surgery ever be the cure?

If my condition was "in order that the works of God may appear in me" then I would get on with that!


So-called theologians, people who are convinced that the Living God is apprehended only through much study and the acquisition of more knowledge, and who spend more time pontificating over what they and other people say God means rather than listening to what God is saying, are careful to play down any correlation between sin and sickness, preferring to cite the book of Job to justify why they believe bad things happen to good people. They are quick to point out that we all know somebody who was a good person, or had faith and died anyway, so they warn us not to get our hopes up. Naturally, being unwilling to suffer the same fate, they then encourage us to “trust the science” and participate in healthcare.

Job was a good guy, an upright man who did all the right things. And he was worried sick, scared to death that something bad was going to happen to his 10 children who were bona fide party animals:

... he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.

~ Job 1:5

The Scriptures present to us a significant contrast between two men who lived around the same time:

  • Job, a righteous dude who, out of fear not faith, “continually” offered up sacrifices on behalf of his children, “just in case.”
  • Abraham, the former idol worshipper who “believed God and it was accounted unto him as righteousness.”

(For more on the topic of believing God, see my article titled, "Believing God".)

Satan was authorized by God to wreak havoc upon Job. His children were all killed, as were his livestock, and Job was stricken with illness. Job's wife offered us some valuable insight into how things work when she advised her husband, who was suffering at the hands of Satan:

... Curse God and die.

~ Job 2:9

Happily, Job did not take her advice.

In Job 37:23, it is recorded that Elihu, a wise, young acquaintance of Job, told us that it isn't God who is afflicting men; He is not the one oppressing them.

For those unfamiliar with the story, it has a more-than-happy ending ... If you are interested, you can read my brief overview of the book of Job, titled, "The Book of Job: Overview".

Peter told Cornelius the Centurion about:

Jesus who was from Nazareth, whom God anointed with The Spirit of Holiness and with power, and he was traveling and healing those injured by The Evil One (oppressed by the Devil), because God was with him.

~ Acts 10:38

I had to (re)learn who was doing what to whom, and why.


Simon Peter's mother-in-law was down with “ ... a great fever.” See Luke 4:38-39. Jesus went into her house. He wore no mask. You may ask, “What was He thinking?” He could have exposed Himself along with all his followers to whatever contagious viral infection the poor woman had contracted.

Or worse: He could have inconsiderately transmitted His asymptomatic fatal dis-ease (a dis-ease for which He would need to be tested with a test that isn't even a test to know if He even had) to a woman with an already compromised immune system!

Kary Mullis PCR

Naturally He dialed 911, but if only He had access to some painkillers or fever reducers, that poor woman could have felt marginally better until she could receive some licensed medical attention. Then, perhaps she could recover and be up and about after missing only a few days of work. She could have rejoined the group, but only after she was properly quarantined, of course.

To which I would answer, “There is something greater available: The TRUTH!”

And He (Jesus) stood over her and rebuked her fever and it left her, and at once she arose and she was waiting on them.

~ Luke 4:39

In case you were wondering, no one caught the mom's fever. No one catches any sickness.

I recall a time when my daughters were little. We were visiting brethren in a small town whose primary employer had closed operations. You could purchase a house for a song! The place was infested with demons, more so than I had witnessed up until that visit. One afternoon, in a totally unexplained incident, both my daughters suddenly went limp (as in, unresponsive) with high fever, quite literally within moments of one another. Knowing this was a time for action, I scooped them up, one under each arm, and ran out into the street crying out to God. An older brother who lived a few houses down from where we were staying ran up to meet me and we both set about rebuking that fever ... We got loud. Minutes later, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the fever left! Both I and the girls were drenched with water. They looked up at me and smiled, perfectly restored to health. And God received the glory!


... they brought to him all those who had become ill with various dis-eases, those who were afflicted with severe pain, and the demon possessed, and lunatics and paralytics, and he healed them.

~ Matthew 4:24

... He gave power to them and authority over all demons and dis-eases to heal the sick ...

~ Luke 9:1

... But the sun was setting and they brought to him all of those who were very ill with various dis-eases, and he laid his hand on each one of them and healed them. And many demons were going out from many as they screamed and they were saying, 'You are The Messiah, the Son of God!'

~ Luke 4:40-41

... women who had been healed from sicknesses and from evil spirits ...

~ Luke 8:2

Question: Since demons don't have lifespans like we do, where did you think all those ones Jesus and his followers dealt with went to for the last two thousand years? What, exactly, did you think all those demons, the ones who used to be responsible for sundry afflictions and oppression, seizures and so-called mental illness, have been doing all this time?

Answer: In addition to going nowhere and continuing to oppress mankind just like they always have, the demons have also been assisting with the development of alternate belief systems in which they, the demons, seemingly don't exist anymore. Those few souls who want to believe in demons are provided with utterly ridiculous notions of their existence and operation. The demons continue to oppress generation after generation of man, mostly unimpeded. How wickedly brilliant!

When John the Baptist, who had been imprisoned, heard about the works of Jesus, he sent his own disciples to ask Jesus if He was the Messiah. Jesus told John's followers:

... go back and tell John the things that you hear and see. Those who were blind see, and those who were lame walk, lepers are being purified, those once deaf are hearing, those who died are rising and those who were poor are given The Good News. Blessed is he who will not be suspicious of me ...

~ Matthew 11:2-6

He said to His own disciples:

Go to the entire world and preach my Good News in all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized has life, and whoever does not believe is condemned. But these signs will accompany these who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, and they will speak in new languages. And they will take up snakes, and if they should drink lethal poison, it will not harm them, and they will place their hands on the sick and they will be healed.

~ Mark 16:15-18

Instead of masking my fear of devils by intellectually wishing them away, or wanting to believe they are somehow only active in so-called third world nations, or thinking they are working diligently to deny me all my worldly pleasures and by “casting them out” I can finally remove those last obstacles preventing me from fulfilling all my lusts, I could be learning about the role wicked spirits actually play in sickness and dis-ease. If I was convinced that I was under assault by the real invisible enemy, not a fictitious, computer-generated one, and I actually believed that God would heal me just as He said He would, my next step would be to submit to God. Then resist the Devil and he will flee!

What if I need help?

And if any of you is in suffering, let him pray, and if rejoicing, let him sing songs. And if one is ill, let him call The Elders of the church, and let them pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of Our Lord. And the prayer of faith heals the one who is ill and Our Lord raises him up, and if sins were done by him, they are forgiven him. But be confessing your offenses one to another, and pray one for another to be healed, for the power of the prayer which a righteous person prays is great.

~ James 5:13-16

As you mount your rebuttals that most likely begin with something akin to, 'Oh yeah? But what about ... ' and you regurgitate some utterly unproven fallacy you, along with the rest of us, were successfully brainwashed to believe and parrot, please know that I applaud your willingness to question. Take those questions humbly, but with importunity, to God alone and honestly seek answers from Him. After fasting, ask, 'Why am I so quick to want to defend the false teachings of godless men, teachings that supplant faith in the one, true God; teachings that encourage seeking salvation and deliverance from anyone and anything but God?' Perhaps you, too, can come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.

... you have not because you ask not. You ask and you do not receive, because you ask wickedly so that your lusts may be fed.

~ James 4:2-3

Please consider the following:

  • God did not create us to be chronically sick and dis-eased, or to spend our lives battling sickness and dis-ease.
  • God did not create us to live in a constant state of fear and dread.
  • God created us to worship and serve Him only.
  • God designed the body to heal.
  • Men cannot heal anyone. They can harm others, or they can supply comfort, relief and even assist in the repair of injury - but the authority to heal comes from God, not men.
  • Sickness is often consequential and may be the direct result of violation, transgression, sin and/or the oppression of the Devil.
  • Sickness may be the result of injury, toxicity, and/or malnutrition.
  • Sickness may occur that the works of God may be seen.
  • God did not invent the healthcare system.
  • Healthcarism attempts to replace the intervening, healing power of God.
  • Men believe in and tout science, falsely so-called, in lieu of believing and heralding the Word of the Living God.
  • True science concludes there is no contagious virus or pathogen and never has been.
  • There is no test for any such contagious virus or pathogen nor will there ever be one, because there is no contagious virus or pathogen.
  • If you or I are sick, I can't catch your sickness and you can't catch mine.
  • The blood is the life.
  • Salvation comes from God alone.
  • Trust God.

As for me, I am forbidden to believe in their (false) religion, let alone participate in its rites and ceremonies. I am ineligible to be vaccinated. I am subject to the Living God, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, whose kingdom is not of this world.

Do not trust a prince or upon a son of man, for there is no salvation in his hand.

~ Psalm 146:3

It is good to trust upon Lord Jehovah: better than to trust upon a prince.

~ Psalm 118:9

... But if a man is ignorant, let him be ignorant.

~ 1Corinthians 14:38

Grace and Peace be with you,