The Great Exchange


When Maryah Meshika Yeshua, our LORD Jesus, stood before Pilate, He told the Roman leader,

"...For this I was born and for this I have come into the world: to testify of the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice."

~ John 18:37

Men have rejected the love of the TRUTH, which is so very consequential:

...God sent them the activity of delusion that they would believe lies....

~ 2Thessalonians 2:11

Paul explained to the brethren in Rome that there has been a swap, a replacement, an exchange:

...they exchanged the truth of God for lies, and they revered and served created things more than their Creator...

~ Romans 1:25

Men worship and serve created things, not their Creator. But He calls His own to follow Him:

"If you will continue in my word, you are truly my disciples. And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free."

~ John 8:32

It is apparent that there are also those who are "not truly" His disciples. Those of us who are truly His are promised we will "know the TRUTH..."

"When the Spirit of the Truth comes, he will lead you into the whole truth."

~ John 16:13

Messiah came to testify of the TRUTH. He said that whoever is of the TRUTH hears His voice. He said His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. He said of Himself, "I AM the TRUTH." He assures us that we (His sheep, His disciples, those who follow Him) will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will make us free. The spirit of TRUTH will lead us into the full TRUTH.

But for everyone else, including those who are “not truly” His disciples, all who have rejected the love of the TRUTH, God has sent strong delusion upon them. They have replaced the TRUTH with lies.

This exchange began in the Garden, has continued throughout each generation, has spread throughout the whole Earth, and will only be reversed by His coming. It is a complete replacement, so extensive, so vast... I think you may be surprised...

Jesus said to him, "You shall love the LORD your God from all your heart and from all your soul and from all your power and from all your mind." This is the great and the first commandment. And the second which is like it is, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"

~ Matthew 22:37-39

If you love me, keep my commandments.

~ John 14:15

And the LORD God commanded Adam and said to him, "From all of the trees that are in Paradise you shall eat: And from the tree of knowledge of good and of evil you shall not eat from it, because in the day that you will eat from it, you will die the death".

~ Genesis 2:16-17

Do you understand the significance of partaking of the fruit of this tree? Did you realize what the outcome would be, this newfound ability to decide for oneself what is good or what is evil, right or wrong, left or right, instead of relying completely upon God. The knowledge of good and evil was His domain, not ours. But we refused to leave it alone.

Man experienced the original “gain of function” as he discovered the capacity to divide on the basis of opinion, pitting wives against their husbands, children against their neighbors, families against family, neighbor against neighbor, community against community, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom... but most significantly, man against God. Are you aware of what was founded that day?

And when the woman saw that the tree was (1.) good for food, and that it was (2.) pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to (3.) make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

~ Genesis 3:6

For everything that is in the world: the (1.) desire of the body and the (2.) lust of the eyes and the (3.) pride of temporal life, these are not from The Father but these are from the world. The world is passing and its lust, but he who does the will of God continues for eternity.

~ 1John 2:16-17

The world, mapped:

  1. good for food => desire of the body
  2. pleasant to the eyes => lust of the eyes
  3. make one wise => pride of temporal life

Do not love the world, neither the things that are in it, for whoever loves the world does not have the love of The Father in him.

~ 1John 2:15

Adulterers! Do you not know that the love of this world is hatred toward God? Therefore whoever chooses to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God.

~ James 4:4

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD

~ Isaiah 55:8

The Way of God is not the way of man. All men go their own way.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way...

~ Isaiah 53:6

...children of the curse, when they abandoned the straight way, they strayed...

~ 2Peter 2:14-15

And whichever way they go they justify it in their own mind.

All the ways of a man are right in his own eyes...

~ Proverbs 21:2

But there is another way:

In those days John the Baptizer came and was preaching in the desert of Judaea. And he said, "Repent, return and be converted to God, the Kingdom of Heaven has come near." This was he of whom it was said by Isaiah the Prophet, "A voice that cries in the desert, 'Prepare the way of the LORD and level his paths'."

~ Matthew 3:1-3, Mark 1:2-4, Luke 3:3-4, John 1:23

In a vision, I was shown a lone path through a vast wilderness, and was taken to a camp situated at the outskirts of that wilderness, a great distance away from the path. The camp was so well established it resembled a small village. People bustled about, busy with their routines, and no one paid me much attention. I suddenly heard the sound of a distant horn, like a bugle or trumpet. I first looked up to determine the direction of the source of the call, which seemed to be coming from the direction of that path I had seen, earlier. I then looked about to see the reactions of others. There was none. It was as though no one had heard the call. I was compelled to set out in the direction of the sound, and I don't believe anyone noticed me leave.

I walked a great distance through the wilderness, with not a soul in sight, until I began to hear the sounds of people again. I came up over the crest of a small hill and looked down upon what looked like a circus troupe. There were large tents, people dressed in colorful costumes, animals with their trainers, the smell of food, and the sounds of music. As I approached, several people came to greet me and invited me to join them at a buffet dinner. I ate, had great conversation with happy people, and got a good night's sleep. At breakfast I met someone who claimed to be an heir of a former member of that small village I had visited, previously. After breakfast, I suddenly heard the clarion call again. This time, it was obvious to me that others had heard it as well. I asked, “What is that sound? It is beckoning me.” Someone nearby informed me not to worry. They would hear it from time to time, but I was assured that there was no cause for alarm, and no reason to feel disturbed. After all, it would be lunchtime soon. I left that camp in the direction of the sound, much to the chagrin of my hosts, who thought me rather ungrateful.

After a short time, I came upon yet another camp. It was massive and comprised of several well-organized mini-camps. The music was so LOUD! People were extremely friendly, and seemed genuinely interested in my journey to their destination. I was introduced to those who told me they had also come from other camps, as they too had heard the sound of the clarion call. Everyone was eager to get me signed up for one activity or another. It was easy to see myself fitting in here... and then I thought I heard the sound of the call again, though it was difficult to say, over the din of the music. A watchful shepherd saw my expression change upon hearing the call, and immediately took me aside to counsel me, warning me of the dangers that lay outside the camp. When I heard the call a second time, I told others I must leave, asking if any wished to join me. I was accused of proselytizing and of being delusional, unfit for membership. I was escorted out of the camp.

I walked and walked. There were no people and no trumpet blast. There was nothing around me. I began to wonder if I was delusional, as I had so been accused. Had I imagined the call? And then I came upon a lovely signpost. It read, “Welcome to the Way” and an arrow was pointing up a hill in front of me. I climbed the hill and there I beheld that very path I had seen and passed over at the beginning of my vision. It wasn't a wide path at all and, while I could easily identify it from the ground surrounding it, it contained no deep ruts, tracks or noticeable footprints of any kind. It didn't look like anyone had been on it any time recently. On both sides of the path, as far to the left and as far to the right as I could see, stood inter-connected two-story buildings with stunning facades and balconies that overlooked the path. The view of the path from the balconies was unobstructed. The buildings were all occupied, but definitely not overcrowded. The people, the kindest and most generous I had yet encountered, were from all walks of life, from all over the world.

The sense of community and of family was very strong. There was a palpable hope for the future in the air. Everyone was so happy and so content, yet no one was idle. If people were not busy schooling, they were working. In fact, the number of employment opportunities was staggering, and the pay commensurate. There was little or no crime. Rather than wait for the weekend to get together, all the people would gather on the balconies each evening for fellowship. I had never seen anything like it.

And then I heard the call again. I felt confused. Hadn't I arrived? Wasn't I already at The Way? The people around me definitely thought so, and they cheered at the sound of the call. They told me that hearing this sound meant that there would be new arrivals, soon. But something stirred within me, and I suddenly knew what was wrong. I stepped out of the buildings and onto the path. As I began walking on that path, I could hear the shouts of the path patrol telling me to get back, to step away, to return to the buildings. Several people on the balconies were shouting obscenities at me, while others were mocking me, asking me if I thought I was special, if I was better than they. I was telling everyone to come to the path and walk it with me. The robed class gathered their most devoted members together on the balcony at the far end of the buildings. As they pointed directly at me, they loudly shouted warnings about the “lone wolf” that was passing beneath them. I continued walking and the vision faded.

Consider this incomplete listing of so-called “official” world religions, ordered by number of followers:

  1. Christianity - 2.4 billion
  2. Islam - 1.9 billion
  3. Hinduism - 1.2 billion
  4. Buddhism - 506 million
  5. Shinto - 104 million
  6. Sikkism - 25 million
  7. Judaism - 14 million
  8. Taoism - 12 million
  9. Confucianism - 6 million
  10. Satanism - unknown

Source: World Atlas 2022


But there are many, many more “un-official” religions, belief systems, philosophies, practices, etc.

  • atheism
  • socialism
  • secularism
  • communism
  • intellectualism
  • scientism
  • capitalism
  • journalism
  • education-ism
  • democracy
  • healthcarism
  • nationalism
  • globalism
  • the justice system
  • and thousands more!

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

~ James 1:27

God did not start men's religions, nor is He trying to reform them. They are not His. They belong to the Prince of this world. All of them. What they all share in common are doctrines (teachings) of the commandments (rules, precepts, policies) of men. And that is regardless of how “close” you may feel your religion is to the truth.

The religions of men are more than a distraction; they are the replacement. They are all products of the great exchange.

There is an utterly false, but very common assumption that anyone who is associated with the so-called christian religion (pick a version), such as one who call himself a christian, or attends church services, or has been baptized, or goes to Sunday School, etc, is born again per John 3:1-10. That is simply not the case. You can read more about this in detail in my article titled, "Born Again".

A false teaching that caters to man's arrogance and belies his ignorance, proposes we are all experiencing a grand free-for-all, where a silent God watches and waits patiently to see what we will all decide. It is entirely up to us to choose. Just as we selected which womb to be born from and when, we tell God when and where He will birth His spirit within us. Because our will is free to do whatever it chooses to do. I have written much about this false teaching in my article titled, "The Origin of Man".

Another ubiquitous false teaching assumes that any and every group or organization that calls itself a church is the body of the Messiah. This is not true in the slightest. I go into more depth on this topic in my article titled, "The House of God".

Falsehood abounds! Many are convinced that the jewish religion today (whichever variant you like) is what all those Old Testament people belonged to. Taking this falsehood even further, it is believed by some that any and all members of the jewish religion are God's “chosen people,” despite their rejection of the love of the TRUTH. Others believe that christianity (pick a version) was the religion Jesus started and, as such, it is God's kingdom on Earth, His plan from the beginning, having picked up where Judaism left off. Yet others are convinced there are many paths up the mountain, and the important thing is to... um... recycle.

And the list goes on: The Earth is overpopulated. We're destroying the planet. We will all die from climate change. Sickness is contagious. We need vaccinations. We need more government. Technology will save us. Education will save us. The next election will save us. Getting rich will save me. et cetera.

This is all delusional! As angry as it may make you, you would do well to bow your stiff necks and acknowledge that this is God's ant farm, not your's. What He began He will complete. If you have been born of the spirit, you have an obligation to love Him, to believe Him, to trust Him, to obey Him and to cease loving the world.

I know this can be hard to hear, in direct proportion to what you have invested in it, but the religion of christianity with it's temples, cathedrals, church buildings, services, programs, charters, tax exempt status, employees (staff), bible schools, mission programs, etc. is NOT God's holy habitation, His body, His assembly, His church. It is a replacement! It is a product of the great exchange!

  • Question: Might real, true, born-of-the-spirit children of God be found in christianity?
  • Answer: Of course!

But you can also find them in grocery stores, or on a soccer team, or working for a bank, or as members of a motorcycle club, or rotary club. So what? None of these organizations are God's holy habitation, His body, His assembly, His church. Learn the difference: God's own children, as appendages and organs, added into His one and only body. God's own children, as living stones, carefully fitted into His one and only temple by master builders in each generation. God's own children. NOT organizations. God's own children. NOT clubs. God's own children. NOT facilities to house and entertain them.

It is not given unto any man to bring the delusion to an end. Why would you pit yourself against the Living God? Men have rejected the love of the TRUTH, and God has responded by sending them the activity of delusion, for them to believe lies. For those who are born of spirit, born from above, hear this: Come out from among them. Throw yourself before the throne of grace and ask Him to show you a glimpse of His work in your generation, that which He is already doing. You needn't START anything! Be added into what He is already doing!

Yeshua answered and said to him, "You are Blessed, Shimeon Bar Yona, because flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in Heaven."

~ Matthew 16:17

Revelation, the opening of our eyes by God to His eternal TRUTH, is so very precious! Words fail to express the significance of the moment. No amount of bible study, exegesis or hermeneutics can compare to that moment when He opens the eyes of our understanding to a passage, verse, phrase or even a word that He has spoken.


Beware of the false belief that bible study, exegesis or hermeneutics IS revelation. Learn how the pursuit of knowledge, even knowledge about the bible, can be the replacement. By contrast, the knowledge of God, not data, statistics, information, fun facts, etc, is NOT achieved through intellect and reason. We don't educate ourselves upward and into God's glory. He opens our eyes. He unstops our ears. Or we remain blind and deaf, regardless of our so-called education.

For the wisdom of this world is nonsense to God, for it is written: "He has seized the wise in their craftiness."

~ 1Corinthians 3:19

It is not possible for me to describe the glory of having one's eyes opened to the fulfillment of prophecy, to witness a "this is that which was written..." moment. You can read more about this in my article titled, "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse".

God, Who is spirit, communicates with His own seed; namely, us. Specifically, He Who is spirit is interacting with His own children via the spirit that He has birthed within each one. This is eternal, outside of the limitations of space and time. This is our reality. That which we were born into via our mother's wombs, when we were born of water, is passing away.

Having seen that which is true, that which is eternal, it is quite easy to identify that which isn't. Having heard the voice of the Messiah, we are not confused or tempted by the voice of another. Having seen and tasted of those things that are His makes the recognition of those things that are NOT His really straightforward.

En route from Judea to Galilee, Jesus had stopped to rest at a spring in the city of Sychar (sha' kar), Samaria. A local woman came to draw water. Jesus asked her for a drink and a conversation ensued. He told the woman,

"...the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in the Truth, for the Father is seeking such worshippers as these. For the Spirit is God, and it is fitting that those who worship him worship in the Spirit and in the Truth."

~ John 4:23-24

Prior to coming to Samaria, Jesus had been in Jerusalem. One particular night a Pharisee, a leader of the Judeans named Nicodemus visited Him. Jesus told the man,

"Timeless truth I am telling you: "If a person is not born from water and the Spirit, it is impossible that he shall enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born from flesh is flesh, and that which is born from the Spirit is spirit."

~ John 3:5-6

I am hopeful you are recognizing the theme emerging here, that of spirit. Flesh and blood is NOT spirit; in fact, they are opposed to one another.

"...flesh and blood cannot inherit The Kingdom of God...

~ 1Corinthians 15:50

The spirit is God. God is the spirit. Only those born of the spirit can even see God's kingdom, let alone enter in. Flesh and blood cannot.

I fully realize how shattering it can be, how shocking, even chafing, to hear me point out that our LORD Jesus did not start up a new religion called christianity. Sadly, much (most, is not all) of what is associated with christianity has nothing whatsoever to do with Him! If you have ears to hear, please read on...

Within an hour of being apprehended by the Messiah in March of 1981, I hurried to a local “church,” a facility I don't believe I had ever set foot in prior, to satisfy a burning desire to share what had just occurred. I had just encountered the LORD Jesus, He Who was alive from the dead, never to die again! And they were, after all, a church. Naturally that HAD to mean...

  • The facility was not just another building; it must be God's house!
  • The organization that ran the facility could not be just another business; it must be some kind of God franchise.
  • The “church members” (all the people were affiliated with that particular facility) must be “The Church,” just like I read in 79 verses of my KJV New Testament.
  • The pastor of the facility must truly be a shepherd of God's sheep. I mean, he had to be, because that was what he went to school for.
  • The elder board must map directly to the corresponding word “elder” found in 9 verses of my KJV New Testament, as did deacon, choir, piano, organ, pulpit, baptismal, vestibule, altar, hymnal, service, Sunday School, missionary, etc.
  • Oh yeah, and everyone would be ecstatic to hear my story, about what had happened to me.

I quickly discovered I was wrong about everything listed above, but I did not yet understand why I was wrong. Where had all this nonsense come from?

When I encountered the LORD Jesus I immediately became active in my local church, joined a mission organization, traveled to foreign countries, met my future wife, married, had our first child, all the while desperately attempting to reconcile the religion of christianity with the reality of the new life inside of me and that of which I read as I searched the Scriptures. I met masses of christians and non-christians alike, and attended services, or sang, or preached in loads of “churches.”

Note that during this same time, I would meet with an individual here or there, in a parking lot or a hospital, or meet with two or three more at someone's house or at a jail or mental institution, or sit in field or stand in a public square or enter a bar, pub or cantina playing my guitar while singing psalms, and suddenly be surrounded by dozens or even hundreds of people, all eager to listen. These were always astonishing events. But I (or others around me) discounted them as extra-curricular, because they were not properly organized, nor did they take place in costly, authorized facilities under the auspices of state-chartered religious enterprise.

When I compared what I saw in the Scriptures with what I saw among christian organizations, I increasingly likened the obvious difference to either a drug-addled, sickly prostitute or an expensive call girl/escort who was attempting to pass herself off as a wife. Those who defended her, the aged and jaded crowd, repeatedly told me I was being judgmental, and that my attitude was attributable to what they called “excessive new believer zeal,” something to be wary of. Evidently, too much of a good thing isn't good, you know. I was told ad nauseum in those days that what I needed was “balance.” In naïveté, I considered “being consumed with zeal for my Father's House” to be a good thing, and remember telling my accusers that I intended to never lose it! Spoiler alert: I have never lost it; it didn't fade.

At this point, being a zealous, but immature disciple with one foot in the kingdom of God and the other still firmly planted in the kingdom(s) of this world, a gut-wrenching, emotionally exhausting, time-wasting exercise ensued. Arguments over whether or not she, the woman above, should dye her natural hair color, or wear makeup, or get breast implants, or wear dresses or pants, or wear jewelry, or correct her speech or behavior all completely overlooked the fact that she was a whore; she was NOT the bride! NOTE: I was looking at the wrong woman!

In just a few short years I had visited hundreds of different churches in various countries. I grew increasing discouraged with what I saw around me. I saw a common pattern that did not match with that which was first established by the apostles of the Messiah in the first century and recorded in the Book of Acts. The rituals and practices that men adopted and branded “of God,” or “or christian,” activities that were all-encompassing and all-consuming of everyone's energy and time, had nothing to do with anything God had ever said to anyone.

“Thus saith the LORD” had been brilliantly replaced with the notion of so-called “biblical principals.” This permitted men to pursue their own devices, call the effort christian, further sear their consciences, expand their business enterprises and, by slapping Jesus stickers all over their activities, convince others that this was the real thing!

According to the theology du jour, this massive discrepancy between what was written and what men had replaced it with was due to something called dispensationalism. This was a clever teaching from the 1800s that justified the massive discrepancy. I wasn't falling for it.

Embrace this: God is not trying to reform christianity... churchi-anity... religi-anity! All that anguish spent over how far God's people have strayed, while not wrong in itself, becomes rather pitiful once you realize you are not even looking at God's people. You are staring at a replacement, a mere business enterprise.

Christianity has long promulgated the teaching that prophecy is essentially the foretelling of the future (except, evidently, for the case of the myth of lucifer where, allegedly, Isaiah and Ezekiel each interjected a brief history lesson into their prescient forewarnings, kind of a reverse-prophecy). For more on this, see my article titled, "Lucifer".

Predicting the future has always been big business among men. It makes perfect sense that some people would hope to profit by speculating about what is going to happen, and others would be happy to pay for quality speculation(s). Getting it right typically results in stardom for the skilled guessers, and high yields for their most ardent disciples.

Others are quick to acknowledge spiritual sources for their information. Skilled seers, soothsayers, fortune-tellers, tarot card readers, diviners, mediums, witches, etc, the world over have intrigued and enthralled the masses for millennia with their ability to look into the unseen. For a small fee, of course.

It shouldn't be a great leap, therefore, to recognize that same business model at work in so-called Christian circles. Study bibles, bible study guides, books, film, conferences, cruises and ministries galore are a seemingly never-ending wellspring of financial opportunity for those willing to speculate about the future. By combining any of the above-mentioned skills with some social media technology, and pasting some "Jesus loves you" stickers on top, you too can have a prophetic ministry up and running in less than an hour.

Has God ever warned mankind of things to come? Of course! He has, at times, spoken directly to men. At other times He has given men dreams while giving others the correct interpretation of those dreams. Still others have seen visions. The point is, there are sufficient examples to be confident that God, if He so chooses, is perfectly capable of forewarning men of things to come.

But that is not the sole purpose of prophecy. Perhaps prophecy's most significant purpose is that of after-the-fact recognition. God will make statements that appear, on the surface, to pertain to an immediate or imminent timeline. He will also inserts words and/or phrases into those declarations that either make absolutely no sense whatsoever at the time, or be so well camouflaged that they are overlooked entirely. Later, as an event unfolds, eyes are opened to connect the dots, "{Squeal} ThIS IS THAT...!!!" It is a fantastic experience!

Grace and Peace be with you,