Believing God The Living God asked me, “Would you behave any differently if you were truly convinced that I AM, that I AM in charge, that I AM completely in control?”
Born Again To even recognize the Kingdom of God (let alone enter in), a person must already be born again ... born a second time ... of Spirit!
Conspiracy Theory Conspire, conspiracy. What do these words mean? And what, exactly, would be the purpose behind inventing the phrase "Conspiracy Theory?"
Covid-19: the Crown A crown (Latin: corona) is the symbol of authority. In 2020 mankind was conquered under Emergency Use Authorization - Welcome to Disease by Decree!
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse By June of 2020 I could see four horses and their riders loose and riding concurrently upon the Earth. Do you recognize them?
Jesus is Lord Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I AM?” So who do you say that He is? And why does your answer matter?
Knowledge A life spent amassing information, that which men generally refer to as knowledge, in lieu of coming to the knowledge of the TRUTH, is a wasted life!
Living Stones The Master told Shimeon that, from now on, he will be called "stone". Shimeon would later write, "... You also, as living stones, be built up ..."
Lucifer Our LORD Jesus NEVER referred to the Devil as lucifer. How did such a powerful and wide-spread false teaching get started?
Sickness, Disease and Health I once believed infectious pathogens were to blame for most illnesses. God told me that sickness doesn’t work this way. What?
Sin, Righteousness and Judgment He (the Spirit of TRUTH) will correct the world concerning Sin, Righteousness and Judgment… What on Earth does that mean, and how does it affect me?
The Book of Job: Overview The book of Job contains the impressive story of the journey of a man who has a dramatic encounter with the Living God.
The Church of M.O.R.H. M.O.R.H. - My Own Right Hand. The sophisticated belief system of reliance on one's own strong right hand ... for everything!
The Days of Noah Regarding the coming days, Jesus said that one will be taken and the other will be left. Which is which? Do you have it backwards?
The Great Exchange They exchanged the truth of God for lies, and they revered and served created things more than their Creator . A complete, idolatrous replacement has occurred!
The House of God Thus says the LORD, ‘Heaven is My throne, and the Earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me?’ ~ Isaiah 66:1
The Origin of Man And YHWH elohim formed adam of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and adam became a living soul.
The Work of the Cross Jesus suffered, bled, died, was buried, was raised from the dead, and ascended to the Father. What was the purpose of all those six details?
Truth, Freedom and Authority Truth is not relative. Truth is not fact. Truth is not knowledge. Truth is not a collection of information. TRUTH is a person!